China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
3min4 d ago


As three new subway lines were put into operation on Sunday, Beijing's urban rail transit network has expanded to a total length of 879 kilometers, making it the longest in China, authorities said. 12月15日,北京3條地鐵新線同步開通。相關部門表示北京城市軌道交通網絡總里程已達879公里,長度居全國首位。 "The newly opened subway lines are crucial for easing traffic congestion in the city's central area and supporting the development of places along their routes," said Wu Yulan, deputy director of the rail transit operation management bureau at the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. 北京市交通委軌道交通運營管理處副處長吳玉蘭表示:“新開通的地鐵線對於緩解北京中心城區交通壓力,服務沿線重點功能區建設具有重要意義。” The three new lines are the first phase of Line 3, connecting Dongsishitiao to Dongba North, Line 12, connecting Sijiqingqiao to Dongba North and the remaining section of the southern extension of the Changping Line. They contribute approximately 43 km to Beijing's urban ...
