President Xi Jinping underlined on Wednesday the need for Jiangsu province, one of China's economic powerhouses, to lead the integration of sci-tech and industrial innovation, the deepening of reform and high-level opening-up, and the nation's common prosperity drive. The president, who represents Jiangsu as a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress, China's top legislature, told his fellow deputies from the province that the nation's economic powerhouses must take the lead as China strives to achieve its targets set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25). Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in Beijing when he took part in a deliberation with his fellow lawmakers during the third session of the 14th NPC. He spoke after six deputies shared their insights on issues such as accelerating green and low-carbon transformation and advancing industrial and technological i...
China targets an economic growth rate of around 5 percent in 2025, according to a government work report submitted Wednesday to the national legislature for deliberation. 3月5日,國務院總理李強作政府工作報告,提交給全國人大審議。報告指出,2025年中國經濟增長目標設定為5%左右。 The report also outlines an array of other key development goals for this year, including a surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 5.5 percent, over 12 million new urban jobs, and an around 2 percent increase in the consumer price index. 報告還概述了今年一系列其他關鍵發展目標,包括城鎮調查失業率5.5%左右、城鎮新增就業1200萬人以上、居民消費價格漲幅2%左右。 The country achieved economic growth of 5 percent in 2024 as an impactful policy package, along with other pro-growth measures, helped fuel strong economic momentum. 2024年,在一系列有力政策組合及其他促增長措施的推動下,中國實現了5%的經濟增長,展現出強勁的經濟勢頭。 On a global scale, an around 5 percent growth rate places China among the world's faste...
The National Cultural Heritage Administration received 41 cultural relics and artworks returned by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office in New York, USA, on March 4 (Beijing Time). 北京時間3月4日,國家文物局接收了美國紐約曼哈頓地區檢察官辦公室歸還41件文物藝術品。 These items, spanning from the Neolithic period to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), include a bronze money tree, pottery li, bronze zun, and pottery figurines, representing various categories like pottery, jade, bronze, and Buddhist artifacts. 這些物品的年代從新石器時代一直延續到清朝(1644-1911年),包括青銅搖錢樹、陶利、青銅尊和陶俑,代表了陶器、玉器、青銅器和佛教器物等不同類别。 After expert analysis, these artifacts were found to possess significant historical, artistic, and scientific value and are categorized as illegally exported Chinese cultural relics. 經過專家分析,這些文物具有重要的歷史、藝術和科學價值,被列為非法出口的中國文物。 In November 2024, the Administration collaborated with the Chinese Consulate G...
Tech advancement can transform industries, foster new sectors, Xiaomi's Lei Jun says Technological advancement plays a critical role in transforming traditional industries and fostering emerging sectors, and Xiaomi Corp will continue to innovate so as to contribute to China's path to modernization, said Lei Jun, deputy to the 14th National People's Congress, China's top legislature. 全國人大代表雷軍表示,科技進步在傳統行業轉型、培育新興領域過程中發揮著關鍵作用,小米集團將繼續走科技創新的道路,為推進中國式現代化貢獻自己的力量。 Lei, CEO and chairman of Xiaomi Corp, said at the sidelines of the ongoing two sessions on Wednesday that "Over the past 15 years, Xiaomi has deeply understood that technological innovation is the cornerstone of progress." 3月5日,小米集團董事長兼首席執行官雷軍在兩會會場表示:“過去15年來,小米深刻體會到,科技創新是進步的基石。” "Five years ago, we committed to investing heavily in core technologies, setting a goal to spend 100 billion yuan ($13.8 billi...
China will take resolute countermeasures to firmly safeguard its rights and interests after the United States announced that it will impose an additional 10 percent tariff on Chinese exports to the US, starting Tuesday, under the pretext of fentanyl-related concerns, according to the Ministry of Commerce. 據商務部消息,美國以芬太尼等問題為由,宣布從週二起對中國輸美商品加征10%的關稅,中國將果斷采取反制措施,堅決維護自身權益。 China is one of the world's strictest and most thorough enforcers of anti-narcotics policies. China and the US have engaged in extensive and in-depth cooperation on drug control, achieving significant results, said a ministry spokesperson in an online statement on Tuesday. 中國是世界上執行禁毒政策最嚴格、最徹底的國家之一。中國禁毒部發言人週二在一份在線聲明中表示,中美兩國在禁毒領域開展了廣泛深入的合作,取得了顯著成果。 However, the US has repeatedly shirked its responsibilities and made the same mistakes again by using the fentanyl issue as a pretext to imp...
The third session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is set to open at 3 pm on Tuesday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and will conclude on the morning of March 10, lasting for six days, a senior official announced on Monday. 中國人民政治協商會議第十四屆全國委員會第三次會議將於週二下午3時在北京人民大會堂開幕,並於3月10日上午閉幕,會期六天。 Liu Jieyi, spokesman for the third session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC, the nation's top political advisory body, briefed the media one day ahead of its opening. The main agenda includes listening to and deliberating on a work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and a report on the proposals from its members, according to Liu. 中國最高政治谘詢機構——中國人民政治協商會議第十四屆全國委員會第三次會議新聞發言人劉結一在開幕前一天向媒體介紹了會議情況。劉結一介紹,會議主要議程包括聽取和審議全國政協常委會工作報告和提案工作情況報告 The CPPCC Nati...
Join an insightful discussion on the #two sessions with professor Tian Xuan from Tsinghua University’s PBC School of Finance. We explore China’s impressive economic achievements and delve into how the country plans to tackle emerging challenges and seize new opportunities. Watch the video for an exclusive glimpse into China’s economic future! #PotsideChats
The main agenda proposed for the upcoming third session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China’s top political advisory body, was unveiled Saturday. 中國最高政治谘詢機構——中國人民政治協商會議(簡稱全國政協)第十四屆全國委員會第三次會議的主要議程於3月1日公布。 The third session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC will open on March 4 in Beijing, according to a decision made at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee on Saturday. 據3月1日召開的全國政協常務委員會會議決定,中國人民政治協商會議第十四屆全國委員會第三次會議將於3月4日在北京召開。 The proposed agenda for the session includes hearing and deliberating a work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and a report on how the proposals from political advisors have been handled since the previous session of the CPPCC National Committee. 會議議程包括聽取和審議中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會常務委員會工作...
China's Tiangong space station is expected to welcome its first foreign visitor—a Pakistani astronaut who will likely become the first from the nation to fly in outer space, according to a heavyweight cooperation agreement. 根據一項重量級合作協議,中國天宮空間站將迎來首位外國訪客——一名巴基斯坦航天員,其很可能成為該國首位進入太空的人。 The agreement, signed by the China Manned Space Agency and Pakistan's Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission at a ceremony in Islamabad on Friday, covers the bilateral efforts to select and train Pakistani astronauts and then send some of them to China's Tiangong space station, which has been in orbit for nearly four years. 2月28日,中國載人航天工程辦公室與巴基斯坦太空與高層大氣研究委員會在伊斯蘭堡舉行儀式,正式簽署《關於選拔、訓練巴基斯坦航天員並參與中國空間站飛行任務的合作協議》,雙方將共同努力,選拔訓練巴基斯坦航天員,並將其中部分航天員送往已在軌運行近四年的中國天宮空間站。 Its signing, witnessed by Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sh...
Child trafficker Yu Huaying was executed on Friday after China's top court approved her death sentence. 人販余華英於上週五被執行死刑,此前中國最高人民法院核準了她的死刑判決。 The execution was carried out by the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court in Guizhou province, where Yu was convicted of abducting and trafficking children and given the death penalty. 此次死刑由貴州省貴陽市中級人民法院執行,余華英因拐賣兒童罪被判處死刑。 Before the 61-year-old was executed, the court allowed her to meet her family members, fully protecting the legitimate rights of the criminal. 在這名61歲罪犯被執行死刑前,法院安排其會見了近親屬,充分保障了被執行罪犯的合法權利。 On Oct 25, the court sentenced Yu to death after identifying that Yu, between 1993 and 2003, abducted 17 children in Guizhou, Chongqing and Yunnan provinces, and then sold the victims to Handan in Hebei province for financial gains. 10月25日,法院判處余華英死刑。法院經審理查明,1993年至2003年期間,余華英在貴州、重慶、雲南等地拐賣17名兒童...