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每週一到週五早7:30更新,歡迎訂閱週末更新中國日報外籍專家的專欄作品,分享他們在報道過程中的心得。節目介紹 China Daily《中國日報》官方平臺出品1、精選最cool最潮的英語故事、新聞等,用最native的語音播報,沉浸式環境學英語2、提供全篇英語解析,聽懂不再難打卡抽獎 訂閱本專輯,每天堅持在專輯下方評論打卡的聽眾,我們會每月抽取兩位幸運兒。這次抽獎3月31日開獎,請小夥伴們敬請期待哦!獎品為中國日報專屬訂制週邊禮物哦!適合誰聽 1、...

A cold front will hit most parts of China from Monday to Wednesday, causing a further decline in temperatures, the National Meteorological Center warned. 中央氣象臺發布預警,10月21日至23日,新一股冷空氣將襲擊中國大部分地區,導致氣溫進一步下降。 The center said that the new cold front moving eastward from Northeast China will cause strong wind, rain and snow, with temperatures expected to plummet by 4 to 8 C — and more than 10 C in some areas. 中央氣象臺表示,從中國東北向東移動的新冷空氣將引發大風、雨雪天氣,預計氣溫將驟降4-8℃,局地降溫幅度10℃以上。 On Sunday, the center issued a blue alert for strong winds in North and Northeast China as well as coastal areas of Fujian province from 8 am on Sunday to 8 am on Monday. Also, strong winds are expected in parts of the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea and the Bashi Channel. 20日,中央氣象臺發布大風藍色預警,預計10月20日08時至21日08時,華北、東北和福建沿海地區將有大風;此外,預計黃海、東海、臺灣...

Four pharmacies in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, have been shut down and terminated from the medical insurance system as part of an investigation into a medical insurance fraud case involving more than 10,000 falsified prescriptions, China Central Television reported on Tuesday. 10月15日,據總臺央視新聞報道,因涉及偽造上萬張處方欺詐騙保,黑龍江省省會哈爾濱市的四家藥店醫保服務協議已全部被解除,並被責令停業配合調查。 Authorities have frozen 62.23 million yuan ($8.74 million) in medical insurance funds related to the case, according to the report. 報道稱,公安部門已凍結涉案醫保基金6223萬元(約874萬美元)。 Fifty-one people have been subjected to criminal coercive measures, with 13 in criminal detention, three in administrative detention and 15 released on bail pending trial, according to authorities. 公安部門表示,已采取刑事強制措施和治安處罰共計51人,其中刑事拘留13人、行政拘留3人、取保候審15人。 The fraud case was uncovered after a data analysis by the Big Data Center ...

China unveiled on Tuesday its first-ever medium- and long-term plan for space science development, looking to establish itself as a "global space science power" by 2050. 10月15日,中國發布首個國家空間科學中長期發展規劃,目標到2050年成為 “全球空間科學強國”。 The plan, which was jointly released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China National Space Administration and the China Manned Space Agency at a news conference held by the State Council Information Office, aims to achieve "landmark original results with significant international impact". 該規劃由中國科學院、國家航天局、中國載人航天工程辦公室在國新辦舉行的新聞發布會上聯合發布,旨在取得“具有重大國際影響力的標志性原創成果”。 It outlines the development goals of China's space science, including 17 priority areas under five key scientific themes. The themes include the extreme universe, the sun-Earth panoramic view, habitable planets, and biological and physical sciences in space, said Ding Chibiao, vice-president of t...

China will implement a batch of policies, including those addressing financing and credit, to support small and micro-sized enterprises, platform firms and unicorns, so as to help them expand business and unleash vitality, it was announced on Monday at a conference by the State Council, the nation's Cabinet. 10月14日,國新辦舉行新聞發布會,宣布中國將實施一系列融資信貸等政策,支持小微企業、平臺企業和獨角獸企業發展,幫助它們拓展市場、釋放活力。 Buoyed by such signals of support for the private sector, share prices rose in China on Monday. The CSI 300, an index of large companies traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen, closed 1.9 percent higher. The ChiNext Index, which tracks China's Nasdaq-style board of growing and emerging enterprises, gained 2.6 percent. 受這些支持民營經濟信號的提振,14日,中國股市上漲。滬深300指數收盤漲1.9%,追蹤中國版納斯達克成長型和新興企業的創業板指漲2.6%。 Luo Wen, head of the State Administration for Market Regulation, the country's top market regulator, said t...

Chongqing police have cracked a major cross-border online gambling ring after more than three years of hard work, blocking the group's average annual outflow of nearly 10 billion yuan ($1.41 billion), according to the Ministry of Public Security. 據公安部消息,重慶警方歷經三年多的艱苦努力,破獲一起特大跨境網絡賭博案,阻斷年均外流資金近百億元(約14.1億美元)。 The police destroyed the Dream Captain Group, one of the top 10 criminal groups involved in cross-border gambling in China, authorities were quoted as saying in a report published on Saturday in China Police Daily, the ministry's official newspaper. 10月12日,公安部官方報紙《中國警察報》發表的一篇報道援引官方消息,警方徹底摧毀跨境賭博全國“十大犯罪集團”之一的“DC”集團。 The key suspect, surnamed Lyu, had returned to Chongqing from overseas and turned himself in, authorities said, adding that all 79 major figures involved in the case and more than 3,900 criminals who also were involved were punished in accordance with the ...

Though Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen didn't walk away with the title, she left her hometown of Wuhan with her pride intact, because for the first time in a decade, fans witnessed a Chinese player in the final of the Wuhan Open. 雖然奧運冠軍鄭欽文没能奪冠,但她還是帶著驕傲離開了家鄉武漢。這是十年來,球迷們第一次目睹中國選手闖入武漢網球公開賽決賽。 It was a milestone moment for the sport in the region. 這是該地區網球運動的一個里程碑時刻。 On Sunday night, in front of a packed house at the Optics Valley International Tennis Center in Wuhan, Hubei province, the 22-year-old and No 5 seed battled relentlessly for 2 hours and 40 minutes. Despite saving two match points, Zheng fell to top-seeded Aryna Sabalenka, 3-6, 7-5, 3-6, in a hard-fought contest. 10月13日晚,湖北武漢光谷國際網球中心座無虛席。22歲的賽會5號種子鄭欽文鏖戰2小時40分鐘。儘管鄭欽文挽救了兩個賽點,但最終還是以3-6,7-5,3-6的比分輸給了頭號種子阿麗娜·薩巴倫卡。 Zheng's run marked a breakthrough Chinese season, in which she c...

China's economic growth is expected to strengthen on a sequential basis amid the latest stimulus package and with more incremental policies in the pipeline, translating into over 5 percent year-on-year growth in the fourth quarter, analysts and economists said on Sunday. 10月13日,分析人士和經濟學家表示,在最新的經濟刺激計劃和一攬子增量政策的推動下,中國經濟增長有望連續走強,第四季度同比增長將超過5%。 They said a long-awaited policy shift is unfolding for China's economy and markets, as policymakers have pledged to strengthen countercyclical adjustment and step up fiscal policy support. This will include the largest debt resolution support in recent years, with a particular focus on addressing pressing challenges such as the prolonged housing downturn, debt issues and sluggish domestic demand. 他們認為,由於決策者宣布加強逆週期調節、加大財政政策支持力度,中國經濟和市場正在發生期待已久的政策轉變。這將包括近年來最大規模的債務化解支持,尤其是重點解決住房長期低迷、債務問題和內需不振等...

The most anticipated comet of 2024, C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) can be observed by the naked eye in the western sky after sunset in the Northern Hemisphere, according to researchers. 研究人員稱,2024年最值得期待的彗星C/2023 A3(Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)可以在北半球日落后的西邊天空憑肉眼觀測到。 "Actually, the comet reached its peak brightness on Oct 4, but it was too close to the sun for humans to see with the naked eye," explained by Wang Kechao from Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Science. 中國科學院紫金山天文臺科普主管王科超介紹說:“實際上,10月4日是這顆彗星達到亮度峰值的日子,但由於當日它離太陽太近,我們很難用肉眼觀測。” The comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), with a yellow tail, is firstly discovered by the Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023. Its intense brightness has brought it to the attention of the experts and the public globally. 中國科學院紫金山天文臺於2023年首次發現了彗星C/2023 A3(Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)。它一顆帶有黃色彗尾的...

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