心理學家的幸福哲學課,教你如何愛自己(附英文原稿)7. What Now
3min2021 JAN 13
7. What Now_ Welcome back to the top mental health tools part seven. What now in this final part, Robert will help us make a simple, clear plan for how to put these tools into action. [00:00:26] I'm feeling overwhelmed by the number of things that I can do. How would you suggest approaching these tools and using these tools in a way that's not overwhelming? So a lot of people get overwhelmed. Understandably, when you get deep into all the different coping skills that are out there, because there are a lot of different things that you can do, which is great, you have options, but it can feel overwhelming. [00:00:47] You know, am I supposed to every single day journal, find my thinking traps, do deep breathing, practice, mindfulness, go for a run. You know, do all of these things. The answer is no, you're not supposed to do all of these things all the time. What you want to do is look at the sort of buffet of different coping skills that are out there and compare it to your life...