1. Common Thinking Traps 常見的思維陷阱
1. CommonThinking Traps
dr. Robert Duff. It's a licensed clinicalpsychologist who specializes in neuropsychological assessment. He is also abest-selling author who hosts a weekly podcast that strives to de-stigmatizemental health topics and make them less intimidating. In this course, Robertwill outline some of the simplest and most effective tools to help you improveyour mental health.
In part one, Robert will list and breakdown some of the most common thinking traps and how to avoid them. In part two,we will learn what mindfulness really is and how it can be leveraged to help usin every other aspect of our lives. Par three, we'll discuss the power andpurpose of journaling and the simplest and most effective way to get startedright away in part four, we'll find out why sleep is a human superpower.
Part five will outlinehow to better protect our sanity. In the age of information.
Part six is about the connection betweenthe body and the mind, including a useful breathing exercise that anyone can doat any time. And in part seven, Robert will help us make a simple, clear planfor how to put these tools into action.
And now we'll begin withpart one common thinking.
what are thinking traps and what is theirrelationship to mental health? Thinking traps go by a lot of different names.You can hear them referred to as cognitive distortions. Sometimes people callthem like maladaptive cognitions. I've heard it talk about them as thinkingtraps because that's like literally what they are.
And it sounds a lot less scary that way.But thinking traps are basically patterns of unhelpful thinking that we allfall into at times. It's very common for anybody to have, you know, these,these thinking traps for people who have mental health difficulties sayingsociety or depression, it's going to happen more often for them.
And it's going to be more impactful, butdefinitely these are patterns that we can all fall into. And the reason theseare important to understand is it actually kind of comes down to something thatwe talk about in the field of what's called cognitive behavioral therapy. Justthe type of therapy that I do.
And there's this concept of the cognitivetriad or the cognitive triangle. We like a lot of. Funny names and CBTcognitive behavioral therapy, but basically just imagine a triangle. And oneach point you have thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and the cognitivetriangle basically understands that these things influence each other.
So something happens in the world. You'regoing to interpret whatever happens through the lens of your thinking. You'regoing to think about it a certain way that in turn is going to make you feel acertain way. And then that feeling is going to cause you to act,
what are some examples of thinking dropstons. So you can go on Google search for, you know, uh, cognitive distortionsand find lists of 5,000, whatever. One of the most common thinking traps is onecalled personalizing.
It's very much what itsounds like a lot of this stuff is sort of the science of duh.
Like everybody knows this. If you reallystop and think about it, but when you are a little bit more intentional and tryto apply this to your life, you can make a big difference. So personalizingpersonalizing just means that you assume something happens in the world.Someone acts a certain way, never happens.
You assume that it has to do with you.It's something that you did to bring that about or something that you didn't doto bring that about. Right. There's some influence that you've had over thesituation. So let's say you're in a romantic relationship, or even just with afamily member, they come home and they're grumpy.
They're not in a good mood. And they kindof treat you a little poorly because of that. They're not very talkative,slamming doors, stuff like that. If you're the type to personalize, your firstthought is going to be okay, what did I do to cause this, why are you mad atme? Why are you acting this way toward me?
And so you personalize it. And if youdon't catch yourself in the process of personalizing it, if you don't catchyourself and realize that this is just a thinking trap, that's going to affectthe way that you behave back, you're going to be like, okay, well, if you'remad at me, I'm going to be mad at you.
Or if you're, you know, thinking thatthey're just, you know, unhappy with you in some sort of way, you're going tobe maybe scrambling to think about what you can do to change it, whatever it'sgoing to affect, the way that you behave. Right. So there's the thoughts, thefeelings of behaviors, something happens.
You interpret it through the lens of thispersonalizing. Then you act a certain way because you feel a certain way. Thething is, there's a lot of things that can cause someone to be grumpy, right?It doesn't always have to do with you. It could be that they got chewed out atwork. It could be that they had a bad day because of something that happened,you know, on the way from work to home, whatever the case is, there's a millionreasons to be grumpy.
It could be politics who knows, butsomething happened and they're grumpy, but. If you're personalizing, you'regoing to assume that the main factor is yourself. You can imagine if somebodyhas, you know, tendency toward maybe depression, this is a good way to makethat continue. Right? You think you did something wrong and that's causingthese bad things.
You did something wrong.That's possibly these bad things. So you kind of
forget the fact that there's a lot ofother factors that could be a part of this. Right. So that's a common one.Personalizing. Another big one is what you call all or nothing. Thinking. Thiscould also be called polarized thinking.
It's basically just sort of groupingthings into one category or the other. I see this a lot when people are tryingto get to the gym, for instance. So they're trying to better themselves tryingto work on their physical fitness. And so they make a goal. They're like, okay,I'm going to go to the gym today for an hour, or I'm going to go do an hour ofcardio, whatever they set some arbitrary goal for themselves.
They get to the gym and they realize, OhGod, I have a headache. I don't feel very well. So they get like 25 minutes, 30minutes in, and then they have to bail out and come home. So somebody who'sengaging in this all or nothing thinking to them that was a failure. Like theydidn't, they didn't do what they wanted to do, that they didn't get anythingout of it because they weren't able to do everything.
Uh, there's a lot of perfectionism thatgets wrapped up in this as well, and sort of all or nothing thinking. Right.But when you think about it, if you do 25 minutes of cardio, That's stillbetter than zero minutes of cardio. Like that makes a difference, even if it'snot the difference that you want it.
If it's not the goal that you had, itstill counts. And so there's a lot of ways this happens, you know, somebody whogets a bad grade on one test in the class, they think that they're a failure.They think that they're not going to pass the class. I think they're doomed.When in reality, it's just one out of many different things, but all ornothing, thinking it really polarizes you, you kind of feel like you, you groupthings with successes and failures, good, bad, right, wrong, whatever.
And really try to make ita little bit easier for yourself by dividing those
categories. But when you're having someissues, you're much more often going to put it into the negative category, thefailure category, the bad category, whatever the case may be. So all or nothingthinking is another one of those.
Another one of those big ones. There'salso a mind reading. So migrating, I w I wish I had the superpower of mindreading. Uh, I don't, none of us do, but, uh, mind reading is when you assumethat you understand what's going on in someone else's head, so understandingsomebody else's motivations or the thought behind their actions.
Now, this one'sinteresting because a little bit of it's good. Like a little bit of
mind reading is basically empathy. Right.Trying to understand what someone else might be going through, understand wherethey're coming from when you interact with them, you know, you should do someof that. Like if I come home and I noticed my wife is maybe a little bristly, Imay want to put myself in her shoes and try to understand why that might behappening.
Maybe the kids were acting up while I was gone. Maybe something'sgoing on that I need to know about. And that would sort of paint the way that Iinteract with her. What I should not do is assume I know exactly why she'sacting that way. Right. What I should not do is read her mind and say, okay, Iknow exactly the thought process that's happening here.
So I'm going to act accordingly. Andagain, kind of like with the personalizing, that's where you get into trouble.When you base your actions or reactions to somebody based on this assumptionthat you made. So one that pops up sometimes it's like, uh, I'm imaginingdriving on the freeway. Right? So you're driving on the freeway and there'ssomebody who's just driving like a jerk.
They're driving like a total idiot, right.They're weaving in and out of traffic. They're kind of stopping and starting.They're not really getting where they want to go, but they're driving greatfrantically. A lot of times, your first thought was like, this guy's anasshole. This guy's a jerk. Like, what are they doing?
They're driving like an idiot. Something'swrong with them. Why do they think that they're so much better than everybodyelse? You can kind of keep going with it and met this whole narrative aboutwhat's going through their minds.
That's making them drivethat way. But you don't know what's going on.
Maybe their familymembers in the hospital, maybe they're trying to get to the
birth of their child.Maybe they're really, really, really, really, really late for a
meeting that is only going to be aone-shot meeting that happens, you know, in their entire lifetime. Andeverything's going to be screwed up if they don't get there.
You don't know that what the situation is.It doesn't necessarily make that behavior. Okay. But it does paint yourperception of it. If you knew that the person was going through something likethat, that they were on the way to the hospital in some sort of situation,that's, you know, a little bit more reasonable.
You wouldn't be quite as mad at them. Youmight be like, Whoa, buddy, slow down. You don't want to hurt anybody, but youwouldn't be thinking this person is a jerk. They think they're better than everybodyelse. Right. So mind reading, we do that a lot. And again, this is somethingthat anybody could fall into, but when you are doing this a lot, You can getyourself into trouble with it.
Another one that we do a lot. Uh, and thisis again, especially for people that might have a tendency toward, you know,depression, darkness, sadness, things like that. Uh, even just pessimism iswhat's called a mental filter. Now this one, I have a terrible sort of analogyfor it, but I like to call it like wearing
coop colored glasses.
Right. So imagine going through the worldand you're wearing these, these sunglasses that are just like this nasty shadeof Brown, everything you look at is going to be tinted in that gross, nastyshade of Brown. Right. It's it's the, the world, there's a lot to it, buteverything's getting filtered through that, you know, crap colored glass.
And so now you're looking at it andeverything looks gross. This is what we do with mental filtering. We look at asituation and we cherry pick out all the parts that essentially support the waywe already feel. So if we feel like we are a failure, we're going to try topick out all the parts of the situation that support that.
That's it. Okay, you did this wrong. Youdid that wrong. You made this person upset. You know, you didn't reach thisgoal, all that stuff that supports the way we already feel inside what weexclude is the vast majority of the stuff that's either positive or at leastneutral that doesn't have anything to do with those negative feelings wealready have about ourselves.
Right? So we're filtering it through thelens of, you know, that negative feeling that we have toward ourselves. Very,very common. Let's say you're giving a work presentation, you know, and it goesreally well. Uh, me doing this interview right now, doing this talk right now,there's a lot of things that are going to go just fine.
There might be a word or two that Iflubbed. There might be something that I needed to go back and clarify whateverit is. What do you do? Mental
filtering? I would be picking out all ofthose little tiny, negative things that happened. And, you know, after this isall over and someone asked how it
went, I'd say it wasterrible.
I did, I did a terrible job. We'reprobably gonna have to redo the whole thing. It was, it was really bad becauseI'm cherry picking out those things instead of noticing the whole picture andrealized that in reality, there was a lot more good than there was bad. Right.So, so that's mental filtering, you know, we all do that.
And that's one that is particularlyproblematic when you're already having some sort of negative feeling aboutyourself and you're just kind of pumping more and more and more support intothat, even though it's not truly support for that. You're just sort ofpretending like it is you're, you're convincing yourself that all these thingsare support for that negative feeling.
You have. Last one I'll talk about, andagain, there are many of these, but the last one we'll talk about is what'scalled catastrophizing. If you kind of think of the word, you kind of get alittle bit of the meaning. So catastrophizing is basically just turningsomething into a catastrophe, taking a small nugget of something bad andturning it into a huge deal, making a big deal about it.
This is kind of like a negative snowballeffect. You know, you start with one thing and then your mind starts going andit builds it to this big old snowball of just like gross crappiness and youfeel terrible. Let's say it was a holiday dinner, you know, Thanksgiving,Christmas, you know, during normal times when we are actually allowed to seeour families, you know, you show up and you realize, Oh God, I forgot to getthe pie.
I forgot the pie. Okay. This is somethingI did last year. So everyone's going to be mad at me. Yeah. Again, they'regoing to think that I don't care about the family. They're going to think that,uh, you know, I'm a failure. It's a good thing that I live far away from everybodyelse because no one wants to spend time with me.
Maybe I should just leaveand not do you know, holidays ever again with the
family and you just roll it into this bigball of something that. Like it was just the PI. Nobody really cares about thePI, but when you catastrophize, you turn this into a huge deal in your head,and then again, you start acting in accordance with that, right?
So if you feel like everybody is going tobe mad at you and everybody is so annoyed at this stupid pie, then you're goingto start acting kind of like a jerk because you're assuming everybody elsefeels that way. And then sooner than you know it, they're going to starttreating you poorly because you're treating them poorly.
Right. So catastrophizing just makes thisbig old snowball effect. And if there were some way to stop that snowball fromrolling before it gets to this huge thing, then we could deal with, you know,kind of a small snowball and move forward with our lives. So those are kind ofsome of the common thinking traps.
What are some exercisesthat can help someone recognize a mental trap and
get out of it or stay out of it? The firststep is to try to set back and notice which thinking traps are sort of yourpersonal downfalls, because we're all good at thinking trust, but we all havesome that are sort of our, you know, our back pocket tricks, you know, we'rereally good at mental filtering.
Maybe we're really good at all, or nothingthinking, you know, as I said, all or nothing, thinking goes hand in hand withperfectionism. So a lot of people who are perfectionists do all or nothingthinking all the time, they're not satisfied with anything they do because itwasn't. All the way. Perfect.
Right. So for them, they would need torecognize that all or nothing thinking is kind of their main pitfall, but foranybody there's going to be a handful, maybe three, four, something like that,of these that we do more than the other ones, a good way to do that is just,just sort of break out a piece of paper, you know, at the end of the day orduring the day, when you notice yourself getting stuck in one of these thinkingloops and just write down what's happening, you know, write down what'shappening, how you thought about it.
And just start to keep a little informallog of that. It's going to look. A little bit different for everybody, but thepoint is you want to start noticing where your personal pitfalls are with that.You can start to build a little bit of awareness of this. So you can start tohave this sort of external sense in the back of your mind as you're going intoa situation where you're engaging in a thinking trap, there's a little voiceback there saying, Hey, this is personalizing or Hey, your mental filtering,Hey, you're catastrophizing.
And so that's the first step that getsyou. At least, you know, the alarm is going, you know that something's wrongand you want to do something about it. In terms of what you can actually do.There are two really good exercises. Uh, typically this involves, you know,pulling out a blank sheet of paper using a journal, something like that, but areally, really simple one is what you call a two column chart.
This is kind of like a lot of peoplewho've done like pro and cons lists when trying to make a decision. It'ssimilar to that, except what you do is at the top of the page, you put downwhat your thought is. So what your negative thought or what your thinking trapis. So let's say the situation is the one with, uh, your partner being upset atyou.
You think your partner is upset at youbecause of the way that they're acting. So you'd write that at the top of thepage. And then you draw a line down the middle. So two columns on one side, youput evidence that supports that. So that supports that negative thought thatyou have. On the other side, you put evidence that does not support that.
And as you get going, you're likely goingto find that there's a lot more of the stuff that does not support it. Thenthere is stuff that does support it, but it's a bit of a challenge you need tokind of force yourself because immediately you're going to be like, well, theyglared at me. When I walked through the door, they're slamming cabinets around.
They didn't give me a kiss when theynormally gave me a kiss. You know, they're not asking, you know, if I, if Iwant this for dinner or whatever, there's like a million things thatimmediately come to mind. Then on the other side, you need to force yourself tothink of, okay, what are the things that are either alternative possibilitiesor direct evidence in my face that shows that this might not be the case,right?
You can say, okay, I remember they textedme, you know, at three, o'clock saying, God, This day will never end. Or didyou hear about, you know, soand-so politician and what they did have you heard,you know, the, the latest BS that my mom is putting my dad through anythinglike that, you know, you can find that evidence throughout the day that mightindicate they're acting that way for a different reason.
Or, you know, alternatively, there arethings like positive things, right? When I left the house, my partner said thispositive thing about me or last night was really good. There was nothing thathappened between us today that would have caused them to act negatively. Youjust kind of force yourself to go through either things that are on thepositive side, things that are neutral, things that just don't show you thatmental filter or that personalizing or catastrophizing, whatever you're doingis true.
So you kind of want to work out thesupport for, and the support against, and it's a very, it's a very basic thing.And technically, you know, if you're getting scientific about it, you're notactually finding evidence for it against this, but you're basically just sortof gathering thoughts and possibilities that make you feel more like it's trueand make you feel less like it's true.
So that's the two column chart. To get alittle bit more into detail. I have one of my favorite exercises. I do it withliterally every therapy patient that I have. It's called the ABC thought log.And I'll have to kind of explain it. It's a little bit easier when you can seeit written down, but it's fairly simple.
You write down a, B and C sort of ondifferent lines of your paper. So, you know, a then the next line down, beatthe next line down, see each of these stand for something. So a is theactivating event, basically what happened? Again, you know, these situations,uh, you know, you get to a family dinner, you don't have the pie that you weresupposed to bring.
So that's what happened. That's the athat's the activating event. Then you skip down, you don't do B yet. You godown to see. C is the emotional consequence. So that's how it made you feel. Sothe consequences, how it made you feel, so you felt shunned by your family, youfelt stressed, you felt anxious. He felt mad at yourself, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah.
So you have something that happened andthen you have the way that it made you feel. Now your job is to go to the B theB is your belief. So, this is what you think. So this is your belief that'smaking you feel so bad. So what is it that you believe about that situation,about that? A what happened? What is it about that that's making you feel so stressed?
So unwanted, so shunned,whatever the case may be. And that's where these
thinking traps come into mind. So yourbelief is, since I did this last year, everyone's going to find me unreliable.Right. Uh, and then you can sort of keep going from there, whatever yourinterpretation of the situation is, you write that down and then you identify,okay.
What thinking traps by falling into here.I'm definitely catastrophizing. I'm definitely doing a little bit of mindreading. I don't know what the heck my family's thinking unless I asked them.Okay. Et cetera, et cetera. So you plug in those thinking traps and realize,okay, this is where I'm sort of going wrong.
And then just like the two column chartyou want to think of. Okay. What's an alternative way to think about this.What, what else might be true other than just this distorted way that I'mthinking. And sometimes when you do that, when you realize, okay, maybe peopledon't. Care about the pie at all. And they just want to see me.
Maybe there's a way I can actually figurethat out. Maybe I can ask them how they feel or get some sort of proof of thecontrary. When you do that, then you realize that the, see that emotionalconsequence changes. You know, you might be disappointed in yourself still, butyou're not worried about being cast out from your family or something verydramatic like that from before.
So ABC activating events. Belief, and thenemotional consequence, you figure out what happened, how you felt about it, andthen your investigative work has to be, why do I feel this way? What are mybeliefs that are interpreting and driving those feelings? So that's ABC thoughtlog. That's like my bread and butter.
And the thing with these exercises is whenyou start doing them, they're very rote. You know, it's like you get to the endof the day or it's in the middle of the day. When you have a chance to sit downand write a little bit and you have to really, really work at why am I feelingso bad? What's going on here and break it down.
But the more you do it, the more itbecomes an internalized process. And the idea is you practice it more and moreand more, and then it becomes this sense that you have in the moment you go,Oh, let me pump the brakes. I'm about to do a whole lot of mind reading. Let'sstop. Let's think about what else could be true.
Let's see how we can approach thisdifferently rather than just going straight back into that thinking trap that Ialways go.