11min2021 JAN 13


6. Mastery of the Body Is Mastery Over the Mind Welcome back to top mental health tools. Part six mastery of the body is mastery over the mind. This part is about the connection between the body and the mind, including a useful breathing exercise that anyone can do at any time. [00:00:28] What effect does physical exercise have on mental health and why? Yeah. Physical health is very important as it relates to mental health. You know, physical exercise has a big impact on your mood. You probably already know this. I think that is one of the stupid things that people always suggest to you. [00:00:46] You know, you're like, Oh, I have crippling depression and they go, well, maybe you should go for walks twice a day as if that's going to solve everything. You know, it's not going to solve everything, but. The research also doesn't lie. You know, having a consistent exercise regimen has a similar effect on your mood. [00:01:01] As an editor, I depressant a lot of times, even an a...
