21天練就成功演說 | 職場必備思辨錦囊(附英文原稿)4. Do you know enough already 你知道的夠多嗎?
14min2020 NOV 23
Segment four, doyou know enough already? 第四部分,你知道的夠多了嗎? The previous secsuggested that reasons and arguments can sometimes do a lot of good byundermining political polarization and enabling people to work together. Butthat's still not a good enough reason to take this course. Because you mightalready know enough about arguments and you should just go out and start usingthem. 上一屆美國證交會(sec)表示,理由和論據有時能起到很大作用,削弱政治兩極分化,使人們能夠共同努力。但這仍然不是上這門課的充分理由。因為你可能已經對論點有足夠的了解,你應該走出去開始使用它們。 Many peoplethink they do know enough already. They think they understand their opponents.They think they know the issues and the facts they think they should act ontheir beliefs right now without spending any more time considering theirbeliefs or their reasons. Why should they. Try to learn more about theiropponents or about reasons and arguments. 很多人認為他們知道的已經夠多了。他們認為...