21天練就成功演說 | 職場必備思辨錦囊(附英文原稿)
19min2020 NOV 23


12.Discounting objections 12.貼現異議 Segment 12 discounting 第12段折扣so far, we havediscussed gardening during an evaluation next and last comes discounting. Thename discounting might sound like arguments are on sale. They're beingdiscounted. As in the Monty Python skit where he might get an argument for acheaper price. Well, we're not talking about discounts on prices. 到目前為止,我們在一次評估中討論了園藝,下一個和最后一個是折扣。名字打折聽起來像是在打折。他們被打折了。就像在巨蟒小品中,他可能會得到一個便宜的價格的論據。好吧,我們不是說價格折扣。  Instead. Whatgets discounted here is objections. So what are objections? The premises in anargument give a recent for its conclusion, but there can also be reasonsagainst that conclusion or against the argument. These conflicting reasons areobjections. To discount an objection is then to mention it and also say whythat objection is not so strong or not so bad after all, I seem weird forsomebody who is argu...
