1. 本課程由杜克大學哲學教授Walter Sinnott-Armstrong親授。
2. 在本課程中,教授將從表達的底層邏輯講起,教你建立表達邏輯,明確立論要點! 跟著教授學習,你會發現自己的表達更簡潔有力,溝通效率大大提升!
3. 你將學到:推理與舉證的本質;論點前提假設與表達預設聽眾;展開論點,用核心概念講故事 。
4. 本課程為英文原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解這門課程。
- Duke University ProfessorWalter Sinnott-Armstrong 教授,美國哲學家,杜克大學倫理學教授。專長知識論、倫理學、法哲學與認知科學。著有《道德哲學》、《法哲學:經典和當代讀物與評論》等書。
15. Whyshould we do deep analysis_ 15.為什麼要做深入分析_ Segment 15, what is deepanalysis? 第15部分,什麼是深度分析? And the previoustwo segments, we study close analysis. That method focuses on the actual words,in an argument, one word at a time in this and the following segments, we willturn to deep analysis. Deep analysis goes beyond the individual words touncover implicit assumptions and larger structures in arguments. 前兩個部分,我們研究了緊密分析。這種方法側重於實際的單詞,在一個論點中,一次一個單詞在本節和下面的部分,我們將轉向深入分析。深入的分析超越了單個詞,揭示了論點中隱含的假設和更大的結構。 Why do we needto dig deeper? Well, to understand what people mean, you need to listen to whatthey say, but you cannot stop there. People often leave out the most importantparts of their arguments. They take crucial claims and structures for grantedwithout mentioning them explicitly. I might be trying to fool you so that youdo not question t...
6. Isthis an argument_ 6.這是爭論嗎_ Segment six, is this anargument? 第六段,這是論點嗎? And the previousepisode, we gave a definition of an argument as a set of sentences, which arecalled premises that are intended to be presented as a reason of some sort foranother sentence, which is the conclusion. But how can you tell when a seriesof sentences, such as in an op-ed in a newspaper or a political speech reallyis intended to give a reason for a conclusion. 上節課,我們給論點下了一個定義,就是一組句子,這些句子被稱為前提,是為了給另一個句子提供某種理由,這就是結論。但是你怎麼知道一系列的句子,比如報紙上的評論文章或者政治演講,是為了給出一個結論的理由呢。 This is notalways as easy or simple as it might seem, but sometimes it is clear. So let'slook at a simple method for determining when an argument is present. 這並不總是像看上去那麼容易或簡單,但有時它是清楚的。所以讓我們來看看一個簡單的方法來確定參數何時出現。 Easiest way isjust t...
8. How tostart and stop arguments 8.如何開始和停止爭論 Part two close analysis,segment eight, how to start and stop argument. 第八部分是如何開始分析的,第二部分是結束。 Have premises.We already know that from our definition, because an argument just is a set ofsentences. Some of them are premises and another is the conclusion. So it's gotto have some premises, but not just any old premises will do. They have to havecertain special properties. For example, suppose I say, I can fix your plumbingand you apply. 有前提。從我們的定義中我們已經知道了,因為論點就是一組句子。它們有的是前提,有的是結論。所以它必須有一些前提,但不只是任何舊的前提。它們必須具有某些特殊性質。例如,假設我說,我可以修好你的水管,然后你申請。 Well, how do Iknow? You're really good at that? And I say, you can trust me, but you ask, whyshould I trust you? And I say, because you can trust me when I say that you cantrust me, you replied, but why should I trust that? And I say, be...
12.Discounting objections 12.貼現異議 Segment 12 discounting 第12段折扣so far, we havediscussed gardening during an evaluation next and last comes discounting. Thename discounting might sound like arguments are on sale. They're beingdiscounted. As in the Monty Python skit where he might get an argument for acheaper price. Well, we're not talking about discounts on prices. 到目前為止,我們在一次評估中討論了園藝,下一個和最后一個是折扣。名字打折聽起來像是在打折。他們被打折了。就像在巨蟒小品中,他可能會得到一個便宜的價格的論據。好吧,我們不是說價格折扣。 Instead. Whatgets discounted here is objections. So what are objections? The premises in anargument give a recent for its conclusion, but there can also be reasonsagainst that conclusion or against the argument. These conflicting reasons areobjections. To discount an objection is then to mention it and also say whythat objection is not so strong or not so bad after all, I seem weird forsomebody who is argu...
Segment four, doyou know enough already? 第四部分,你知道的夠多了嗎? The previous secsuggested that reasons and arguments can sometimes do a lot of good byundermining political polarization and enabling people to work together. Butthat's still not a good enough reason to take this course. Because you mightalready know enough about arguments and you should just go out and start usingthem. 上一屆美國證交會(sec)表示,理由和論據有時能起到很大作用,削弱政治兩極分化,使人們能夠共同努力。但這仍然不是上這門課的充分理由。因為你可能已經對論點有足夠的了解,你應該走出去開始使用它們。 Many peoplethink they do know enough already. They think they understand their opponents.They think they know the issues and the facts they think they should act ontheir beliefs right now without spending any more time considering theirbeliefs or their reasons. Why should they. Try to learn more about theiropponents or about reasons and arguments. 很多人認為他們知道的已經夠多了。他們認為...
9.Guarding premises 9.守衛處所 Segment nine guardian, 第九段守護者, our first way tostart an argument without having to justify the premises is to weaken or guardthose premises. Now this strategy might seem counterintuitive. Don't we wantstrong premises instead of weak ones. Well, that depends on your goals and alsoon what you mean by the term weak. If your goal is to draw attention to yourclaims and yourself, then you might try to make outrageous claims. 我們在不必為前提辯護的情況下開始辯論的第一個方法是削弱或保護這些前提。現在這一策略似乎有悖常理。我們不需要強前提而不是弱前提。好吧,這取決於你的目標,也取決於你所說的“軟弱”一詞的含義。如果你的目標是讓人們注意到你和你自己的主張,那麼你可能會試圖做出無恥的聲明。 However, whenyou claim a lot, then it becomes easier for others to criticize your claim andyou to show that you're wrong. For example, suppose somebody says everybody whoknows anything about COVID-19 knows more 然而,當你要求很多的時...
16. Whatis validity_ 16.什麼是有效性_ Segment 16 validity 第16段有效性 in the previoussegment, you constructed this argument immediate or must've killed thedinosaurs because my friend's teacher told her that's what happened and herparents agreed. In the process, we added this suppress premise to thatargument, whatever this teacher and these parents both say about dinosaurs istrue. 在上一節課中,你立即提出了這個論點,或者說一定是殺死了恐龍,因為我朋友的老師告訴她發生了這樣的事,她的父母也同意了。在這個過程中,我們在這個論點中加入了這個壓抑的前提,不管這位老師和這些家長對恐龍的看法都是正確的。 You might'vewondered why we need to add this suppress premise after all the person who gavethe argument might complain. I never said that the answer is that the argumentneeded that premise in order to be valid. We're assuming for now that theargument was intended to be valid. Now that's not true for all arguments, butwe're going to focus on arguments that...
1. Why should you take this course? 1.你為什麼要選這門課? Segment numberone. Why take this course? Why should you take this course? Every course thatyou take owes you an answer to that question, right? From the start. You needto know why the time that you spend on this course is going to be worthwhile.The answer is easier. This case. This course will teach you all about argumentsand arguments are around you every day of your life and in everything you do,they affect all aspects of your life in very important ways. 第一段。為什麼選這門課?你為什麼要選這門課?你所學的每門課程都需要你回答這個問題,對嗎?從一開始。你需要知道為什麼你花在這門課上的時間是值得的。答案比較簡單。這個案子。這門課程將教你所有關於爭論的知識,爭論在你生活的每一天都圍繞著你,在你所做的每件事中,它們都以非常重要的方式影響著你生活的方方面面。 Just think ofall the times that somebody tries to give you a reason to believe somethingthat you didn't believe before or tries to get you to do something ...
17. Whatis formal validity_ 17.什麼是形式有效性_ Segment 17, what isformal validity? 什麼是形式有效性? In the previoussegment, we saw that an argument's valid if, and only if it's impossible forits premises to be true when its conclusion is false. In this segment, I willdiscuss a special way of being valid called formal validity. What's that? Well,an argument is formally valid when it is valid by virtue of its form. 在上一節中,我們看到一個論點是有效的,當,並且僅當它的前提不可能是真的,當它的結論是錯誤的。在這一部分中,我將討論一種特殊的有效性方式,即形式有效性。那是什麼?好吧,一個論點在形式上是有效的,那麼它在形式上是有效的。 Great. Or whatdoes that mean? Let's start with a simple exam. Consider this argument. Alex isa woman and Bobby is a man. So Alex is a woman, pretty simple. I've told you.How can we isolate the form of this argument? Just replace each sentence with avariable. The first sentence is Alex is a woman. 偉大的。或者那是什麼意思?...
2. The problem of political polarization 2.政治兩極分化問題 Segment two, theproblem of political polarization, 第二部分,政治兩極分化問題, very few people enjoy politics. These days.One reason is that when you come out with a political stance, you oftenencounter verbal abuse. Just go on the internet. And tell people what you thinkabout a political issue all too often, the response you get is you're stupid.You're an idiot. They're questioning your mental acuity. 很少有人喜歡政治。這些天。其中一個原因是,當你提出政治立場時,你經常會遭到辱罵。上網就行了。經常告訴别人你對政治問題的看法,得到的回答是你很蠢。你是個白癡。他們在質疑你的智力。 You're ignorant,you're misinformed. You're a dupe of fake news. You're crazy. You're insane.They're saying you have a mental illness, you're a clown. And then they make ajoke about you. Who wants to be subjected to that kind of verbal abuse. Now youmight think that it's just the general public that does this, but listen to t...