21天練就成功演說 | 職場必備思辨錦囊(附英文原稿)15. Why should we do deep analysis 我們為什麼要做深層次的分析
11min2020 NOV 23
15. Whyshould we do deep analysis_ 15.為什麼要做深入分析_ Segment 15, what is deepanalysis? 第15部分,什麼是深度分析? And the previoustwo segments, we study close analysis. That method focuses on the actual words,in an argument, one word at a time in this and the following segments, we willturn to deep analysis. Deep analysis goes beyond the individual words touncover implicit assumptions and larger structures in arguments. 前兩個部分,我們研究了緊密分析。這種方法側重於實際的單詞,在一個論點中,一次一個單詞在本節和下面的部分,我們將轉向深入分析。深入的分析超越了單個詞,揭示了論點中隱含的假設和更大的結構。 Why do we needto dig deeper? Well, to understand what people mean, you need to listen to whatthey say, but you cannot stop there. People often leave out the most importantparts of their arguments. They take crucial claims and structures for grantedwithout mentioning them explicitly. I might be trying to fool you so that youdo not question t...