15. Why should we do deep analysis 我們為什麼要做深層次的分析
15. Whyshould we do deep analysis_
Segment 15, what is deepanalysis?
And the previoustwo segments, we study close analysis. That method focuses on the actual words,in an argument, one word at a time in this and the following segments, we willturn to deep analysis. Deep analysis goes beyond the individual words touncover implicit assumptions and larger structures in arguments.
Why do we needto dig deeper? Well, to understand what people mean, you need to listen to whatthey say, but you cannot stop there. People often leave out the most importantparts of their arguments. They take crucial claims and structures for grantedwithout mentioning them explicitly. I might be trying to fool you so that youdo not question their assumptions or they might not realize what they'reassuming.
And then theyget fooled themselves. Either way assumptions often hide mistakes that becomeclear when everything is made explicit. The goal of deep analysis is to uncoverthose assumptions, make them explicit and thereby avoid those mistakes.
How do we do deep analysis in severalsteps? The first step is to perform a close analysis. This method builds on theprevious one argument markers in particular, tell us which claims are premisesand which claims are conclusions in the argument that we're trying to analyze.The second step in deep analysis is to remove extraneous words that are notessential to the argument.
People often saya lot more than they really need to say. They go off on tangents. They'reverbose. The third step in deep analysis is to clarify any vague or ambiguouswords in the argument. This step helps us avoid some common confusions andfallacies. The fourth step is to break up the premises and conclusions intoparts, such as when one sentence jumbles together, two
different claims.
The fifth stepis to arrange those parts in order so that it is clear which premises support,which conclusion. The sixth step is to add new parts called suppress premisesor assumptions that are needed to make the argument work properly. The resultof this method of deep analysis is a reconstruction of the argument.
So deep analysiscan also be called reconstruction. Here's a simple example to get us startedthinking about this argument. A meteor must've killed the dinosaurs because myfriend's teacher told her that that's what happened. And her parents agreed inperforming a deep analysis of this argument. The first step is to do a closeanalysis, to look at the words one by one, the word because is an argumentmarker, and indeed a reason marker.
So it tells us that the sentences afterit, our premises or reasons. The term must is an assuring term, a meteorite must'vekilled the dinosaurs, assures you that a meteorite did kill the dinosaurs. Thesecond step in doing a deep analysis is to remove extraneous words. What aboutthat word must have, well, it's not really needed the argument's really tryingto show that a meteorite did kill the dinosaurs.
It's not tryingto show that this must have happened, could not have happened any other way. Sothe real conclusion is just this, a meteoric kill the dinosaurs. And what aboutthe premises? A friend's teacher told her that a meteoric killed the dinosaurs.Well, a friend's teacher told her this. It doesn't really matter whether thisteacher was my friend's teacher.
The teacherwould be just as reliable. If my friend were in a different class with adifferent teacher. It also does not matter that the teacher told this to myfriend, what matters is what the teacher said, not whom this teacher said itto. So the real premise in this argument is just that this teacher said that'swhat
Step three is toclarify vague words. Well, what does that refer to him? That's what happened.It should be pretty clear that it means immediate or kill the dinosaurs. Whathappened is simply that a meteor kill the dinosaurs. So the real premise isthis teacher said then a meaty or kill the dinosaurs.
What about thelast part of the argument and her parents agreed? Well, they agreed with what,what clearly they agreed that immediate or kill the dinosaurs. This might bepretty obvious, but it's worth making explicit. Of course, we get clarify a lotmore. Which dinosaurs were killed. Was it all of them or only those that werealive at the time when the media are strong?
And how did the meteoric kill the dinosaurs immediately and directlyby hitting them? Or did it take awhile and was it a medium or a meteorite? Thisprocess of clarification can continue forever. So you should not try to clarifyeverything. That's a fool's errand. It's just not possible. All you need to dois clarify the parts that are likely to cause confusion.
So what we'vealready clarified is probably enough for now. Step four and deep analysis is tobreak up the premises and conclusions into parts, such as when one sentencemakes two independent claims. In this argument, what comes after the word?Because is this premise? My friend's teacher told her that's what happened andher parents agreed.
The point ispresumably something like this, two independent authorities agree, but ifthey're independent, then we can break them up. This teacher said a meteorickilled the dinosaurs. That's premise one and premise two is these parentsagreed that a meteoric killed the dinosaurs. So now we've broken up one premisethat conjoined the two parts into two premises with those parts separated.
Next, we need toturn to step five, which is to arrange the parts. In order. In our example, theconclusion came first. It said a meteoric killed the dinosaurs. Because it'sclearer and less confusing to use a standard order for all arguments that makesit easier to compare one argument with another. And typically what logicians dois they put the premises first and the conclusion
So in ourexample, premise one is this teacher said a meteoric killed the dog source.Premise two is these parents agreed that a meteoric killed the dinosaurs. Andthe conclusion is a meteor did kill the dinosaurs. Pretty easy, but this stepwill become more complex in chains or series of arguments that
we'll look at later.
Finally, stepsix is to add new parts called suppress premises or assumptions that are neededto make the argument work well. So what's assumed in our example, think aboutit. Remember that our argument has now been reconstructed like this. Thisteacher said that to me or killed the dinosaurs.
Those parents said thatmeteoric killed the dinosaurs.
Therefore a meteoric killthe dinosaurs.
one way toidentify hidden assumptions is to ask yourself what discovery would ruin theargument and make it no good here. The answer is. The argument would be no goodif the teacher and the parents didn't know what they were talking about, or ifthey knew, but they were just joking or lying for some ridiculous reason.
So this argumentassumes a suppress premise like this, whatever this teacher and parents bothsay about dinosaurs is true. That's the new part, the suppressed premise thatwe need to add in order to complete the argument and make it work properly,notice that we do not need to add that everything they say is true, nobodywould believe that because everybody makes mistakes.
And besides thearguments just fine without it, we should not be adding suppress premises thatare not necessary to make the argument work. Similarly, we could split thisone, suppress premise into two, instead of adding this one claim, namely thatwhatever this teacher and the parents both say about dinosaurs is true.
We can add thesetwo claims, whatever this teacher says about Donna's sources. True. And second,whatever these parents say about dinosaurs. It's true. However, if we separatethe suppress premise into two parts, then the reconstruction loses a crucialelement. Independent authorities, like teachers and parents are more of aliable when they agree with each other.
So the argumentlooks better when the suppress premise claims only this, whatever this teacherand parents both say about dinosaurs is true. We should always try toreconstruct arguments so that they are as strong as possible. That is aprinciple of charity be charitable. Well, why should we be charitable don't wewant to refute our opponents when we ought to be charitable so that we can learnmore.
Remember thatthe goal of argument is not to refute your opponents. It's not victory, butprogress and understanding. Still, we can't always make an argument good orstrong. Some arguments are just plain bad. Sometimes we have to add suppresspremises that are false or at the very least questionable. And our examples ofcase in point, we need to add this premise, what this teacher and parents bothsay about dinosaurs is true.
However thatpremise is still not obvious and is sometimes false depending on the teacherand the parents. Your argument might be trying to trick us by leaving out adubious premise, or it might be an honest mistake, but the suppress premise isquestionable either way. Sure. Our reconstruction tells us where to focus inassessing or evaluating the argument we need to ask whether it's really true,that what this teacher and these parents both say about dinosaurs is true.
That's it? Forthis example, it's pretty simple, but it illustrates the general method of deepanalysis. The later segments, we'll go into more detail and apply this methodto more complex cases. But first we need to explain the technical notion ofvalidity. That notion will be central to the method of deep analysis because itaffects which suppress premise Yves need to be added.
They'll alsogive us one partial tool for evaluating or assessing some arguments as eithergood or bad. That's the topic of the next segment.
15. Why should we do deep analysis 我們為什麼要做深層次的分析
11min6. Is this an argument 這是一個論點嗎
11min8. How to start and stop arguments 如何開始和停止爭論
6min12. Discounting objections 打折的反對意見
19min4. Do you know enough already 你知道的夠多嗎?
14min9. Guarding premises 防守的前提
18min16. What is validity 效度是什麼
12min1. Why should you take this course 為什麼要選擇這門課