China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
5min5 d ago


Chongqing police have cracked a major cross-border online gambling ring after more than three years of hard work, blocking the group's average annual outflow of nearly 10 billion yuan ($1.41 billion), according to the Ministry of Public Security. 據公安部消息,重慶警方歷經三年多的艱苦努力,破獲一起特大跨境網絡賭博案,阻斷年均外流資金近百億元(約14.1億美元)。 The police destroyed the Dream Captain Group, one of the top 10 criminal groups involved in cross-border gambling in China, authorities were quoted as saying in a report published on Saturday in China Police Daily, the ministry's official newspaper. 10月12日,公安部官方報紙《中國警察報》發表的一篇報道援引官方消息,警方徹底摧毀跨境賭博全國“十大犯罪集團”之一的“DC”集團。 The key suspect, surnamed Lyu, had returned to Chongqing from overseas and turned himself in, authorities said, adding that all 79 major figures involved in the case and more than 3,900 criminals who also were involved were punished in accordance with the ...
