China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
5min5 d ago


China will implement a batch of policies, including those addressing financing and credit, to support small and micro-sized enterprises, platform firms and unicorns, so as to help them expand business and unleash vitality, it was announced on Monday at a conference by the State Council, the nation's Cabinet. 10月14日,國新辦舉行新聞發布會,宣布中國將實施一系列融資信貸等政策,支持小微企業、平臺企業和獨角獸企業發展,幫助它們拓展市場、釋放活力。 Buoyed by such signals of support for the private sector, share prices rose in China on Monday. The CSI 300, an index of large companies traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen, closed 1.9 percent higher. The ChiNext Index, which tracks China's Nasdaq-style board of growing and emerging enterprises, gained 2.6 percent. 受這些支持民營經濟信號的提振,14日,中國股市上漲。滬深300指數收盤漲1.9%,追蹤中國版納斯達克成長型和新興企業的創業板指漲2.6%。 Luo Wen, head of the State Administration for Market Regulation, the country's top market regulator, said t...
