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▍原文 International fashion designer Rick Owens and his entourage were met with an unusual request during their recent visit to the historic grounds of Beijing's Forbidden City. Known for their unconventional and striking appearances, the four were promptly instructed to "return in ordinary attire," ultimately leading to their swift departure. This has sparked debates on self-expression and cultural sensitivity in public spaces, underscoring the significance of respecting traditional norms in historically and culturally significant locations. ▍語言點 1. entourage /ˌɑːntuːˈrɑːʒ/ n. 隨行人員,隨從 2. be met with 遭遇,受到…… 3. historic grounds 有歷史意義的地點 4. unconventional /ˌʌnkənˈvenʃnl/ adj. 新奇的,非傳統的 5. striking /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/ adj. 引人注目的 6. attire /əˈtaɪr/ n. 衣服(clothes) 7. spark debates on 引發了對……的爭議 8. underscore the significance of ... 強調……的重要性 · highlight v. 強調 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,...

▍原文 International fashion designer Rick Owens and his entourage were met with an unusual request during their recent visit to the historic grounds of Beijing's Forbidden City. Known for their unconventional and striking appearances, the four were promptly instructed to "return in ordinary attire," ultimately leading to their swift departure. This has sparked debates on self-expression and cultural sensitivity in public spaces, underscoring the significance of respecting traditional norms in historically and culturally significant locations. ▍語言點 1. entourage /ˌɑːntuːˈrɑːʒ/ n. 隨行人員,隨從 2. be met with 遭遇,受到…… 3. historic grounds 有歷史意義的地點 4. unconventional /ˌʌnkənˈvenʃnl/ adj. 新奇的,非傳統的 5. striking /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/ adj. 引人注目的 6. attire /əˈtaɪr/ n. 衣服(clothes) 7. spark debates on 引發了對……的爭議 8. underscore the significance of ... 強調……的重要性 · highlight v. 強調 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,...

▍原文 Cutting calorie intake can lead to a longer life, an effect often chalked up to weight loss and metabolic changes. Now, one of the biggest studies of dietary restrictions challenges the conventional wisdom. The study found that other factors than weight loss — including genetics and physiological indicators of resiliency — seem to better explain the link between cutting calories and increased lifespan. The results drive home the intricate nature of the body’s reaction to caloric restriction. ▍語言點 1. intake /ˈɪnteɪk/ n. 攝入量 2. chalk A up to B 把A歸因於B 3. metabolic /ˌmetəˈbɒlɪk/ adj. 新陳代謝的 4. dietary restriction 飲食限制 5. genetics /dʒəˈnetɪks/ n. 遺傳學,遺傳因素 6. resiliency /rɪˈzɪliəns/ n. 復原力,恢復力 · resilient adj. 有彈性的;適應性強的 7. drive home ... / drive ... home 清晰說明,使信服...... 8. intricate nature 復雜本質 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 · 關注公眾號【...

▍原文 Cutting calorie intake can lead to a longer life, an effect often chalked up to weight loss and metabolic changes. Now, one of the biggest studies of dietary restrictions challenges the conventional wisdom. The study found that other factors than weight loss — including genetics and physiological indicators of resiliency — seem to better explain the link between cutting calories and increased lifespan. The results drive home the intricate nature of the body’s reaction to caloric restriction. ▍語言點 1. intake /ˈɪnteɪk/ n. 攝入量 2. chalk A up to B 把A歸因於B 3. metabolic /ˌmetəˈbɒlɪk/ adj. 新陳代謝的 4. dietary restriction 飲食限制 5. genetics /dʒəˈnetɪks/ n. 遺傳學,遺傳因素 6. resiliency /rɪˈzɪliəns/ n. 復原力,恢復力 · resilient adj. 有彈性的;適應性強的 7. drive home ... / drive ... home 清晰說明,使信服...... 8. intricate nature 復雜本質 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 · 關注公眾號【...

▍原文 Dramatic pictures have emerged of the first floods in the Sahara in half a century. Two days of rainfall in September exceeded yearly averages in several areas of south-east Morocco and caused a deluge. Satellite imagery from NASA showed a lake bed that had been dry for 50 years being filled up. Such rains, which meteorologists call an extratropical storm, may change the weather conditions in the region in the coming months and years. ▍語言點 1. dramatic /drəˈmætɪk/ adj. 突然的,令人驚訝的 2. rainfall /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ n. 降雨量 3. deluge /ˈdeljuːdʒ/ n. 暴雨,洪水 4. lake bed 河床 5. fill something up 填滿,充滿 6. meteorologist /ˌmiːtiəˈrɑːlədʒɪst/ n. 氣象學家 7. extratropical storm 溫帶風暴 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮: 1.《英語學習小傳》 -共100篇文章,英語學習經驗獨家分享 2.《英文學習方法論》 -共72節視頻課,英語學習的答案之書 【夏說英文日讀】公眾號內...

▍原文 Dramatic pictures have emerged of the first floods in the Sahara in half a century. Two days of rainfall in September exceeded yearly averages in several areas of south-east Morocco and caused a deluge. Satellite imagery from NASA showed a lake bed that had been dry for 50 years being filled up. Such rains, which meteorologists call an extratropical storm, may change the weather conditions in the region in the coming months and years. ▍語言點 1. dramatic /drəˈmætɪk/ adj. 突然的,令人驚訝的 2. rainfall /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ n. 降雨量 3. deluge /ˈdeljuːdʒ/ n. 暴雨,洪水 4. lake bed 河床 5. fill something up 填滿,充滿 6. meteorologist /ˌmiːtiəˈrɑːlədʒɪst/ n. 氣象學家 7. extratropical storm 溫帶風暴 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮: 1.《英語學習小傳》 -共100篇文章,英語學習經驗獨家分享 2.《英文學習方法論》 -共72節視頻課,英語學習的答案之書 【夏說英文日讀】公眾號內...

▍原文 Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has paid back more than £6,000 worth of gifts and hospitality received since becoming prime minister, following a backlash over donations. The prime minister is covering the cost of six Taylor Swift tickets, four tickets to the races and a clothing rental agreement with a high-end designer. It comes after Sir Keir and other cabinet ministers having faced weeks of criticism for accepting freebies from wealthy donors. ▍語言點 1. 錢數+worth of 價值多少錢的 · worth n. 價值 2. hospitality /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti/ n. 款待,招待 3. a backlash over something 對......的強烈抵制或反對 4. cover the cost 支付費用 5. rental /ˈrentl/ n. 租賃 · rent v. 租賃 6. high-end /ˌhaɪˈend/ adj. 高端的 7. cabinet /ˈkæbɪnət/ n. 內閣 8. freebie /ˈfriːbi/ n. (由公司提供的) 免費品 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮: 《英語學習小傳》 共100篇文...

▍原文 Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has paid back more than £6,000 worth of gifts and hospitality received since becoming prime minister, following a backlash over donations. The prime minister is covering the cost of six Taylor Swift tickets, four tickets to the races and a clothing rental agreement with a high-end designer. It comes after Sir Keir and other cabinet ministers having faced weeks of criticism for accepting freebies from wealthy donors. ▍語言點 1. 錢數+worth of 價值多少錢的 · worth n. 價值 2. hospitality /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti/ n. 款待,招待 3. a backlash over something 對......的強烈抵制或反對 4. cover the cost 支付費用 5. rental /ˈrentl/ n. 租賃 · rent v. 租賃 6. high-end /ˌhaɪˈend/ adj. 高端的 7. cabinet /ˈkæbɪnət/ n. 內閣 8. freebie /ˈfriːbi/ n. (由公司提供的) 免費品 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮: 《英語學習小傳》 共100篇文...

▍原文 SpaceX's Starship rocket achieved a world first during its fifth test flight, showing that the launch system may have what it takes to change spaceflight forever. The Super Heavy booster released Starship on its path toward space, then returned to Earth in one piece. The feat brings SpaceX one step closer to Musk's goal of building the first fully reusable rocket system, slashing the cost of spaceflight, and ultimately making humanity a multi-planetary species. ▍語言點 1. have what it takes to do something 具有做成某件大事的潛力 2. in one piece 完整地,完好地 3. feat /fiːt/ n. 功績,壯舉 4. bring A one step closer to B 讓A離B更近了一步 5. reusable /ˌriːˈjuːzəbl/ adj. 可重復使用的 6. slash /slæʃ/ v. 大幅削減 7. multi-planetary species 多星球物種 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取:《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮:《英語學習小傳》 共100篇文章,英語學習經驗獨家分享 《英文學習方法論》共72...

▍原文 SpaceX's Starship rocket achieved a world first during its fifth test flight, showing that the launch system may have what it takes to change spaceflight forever. The Super Heavy booster released Starship on its path toward space, then returned to Earth in one piece. The feat brings SpaceX one step closer to Musk's goal of building the first fully reusable rocket system, slashing the cost of spaceflight, and ultimately making humanity a multi-planetary species. ▍語言點 1. have what it takes to do something 具有做成某件大事的潛力 2. in one piece 完整地,完好地 3. feat /fiːt/ n. 功績,壯舉 4. bring A one step closer to B 讓A離B更近了一步 5. reusable /ˌriːˈjuːzəbl/ adj. 可重復使用的 6. slash /slæʃ/ v. 大幅削減 7. multi-planetary species 多星球物種 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取:《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮:《英語學習小傳》 共100篇文章,英語學習經驗獨家分享 《英文學習方法論》共72...

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