37min2021 FEB 3


9. Learning language, an incredible featYou're listening to memory booster, aHimalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusivecourses in the Himalayas app or on himalaya.com. Before we get started, thisepisode contains some references to violent crimes or assaults that may not besuitable for all listeners.[00:00:26] If you're sensitive to hearingabout topics like that, it may be best to sit this one out. Thanks everyone.[00:00:36] it's time for another memorytest. This will all make sense at the end of the episode, but by now I'm sureyou're used to little experiments on this podcast. Here's how it's going to go.I'll give you three lists of 12 words, pausing for a few seconds between eachlist. Don't write them down. Just listen to the words and I'll quiz you at theend of the episode to see how much of the list you remember.[00:00:58] Does that sound good? Great.Here's the first list. Door, glass pane, shade ledge.[00:01:16] House[00:01:32] nur...
