22min2021 JAN 7


5. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading the 10 X rule by grant Cardone. [00:00:22] What if the difference between success and failure is simply a matter of mindset and action. According to grant Cardone, CEO of Cardone capital international speaker and top sales trainer. This is the essence of the 10 X rule. The 10 X rule is a principle that establishes the right levels of thinking and the right levels of action required to achieve success. [00:00:48] You can think of the 10 X rule as a superhuman commitment to success, which makes it more of a discipline than an inherent talent. If you work 10 times harder than the average person and set your goals 10 times higher than the average person you'll build lifestyle habits that are naturally 10 times more successful than the average person. [00:01:10] So let's jump into the book to learn more about what's needed to live a successful 10 X ...
