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1. 本課程可以幫助你快速看完所有歐美暢銷榜單上的爆款高效工具書,吸收每本書中的精華,讓你在做家務和雜事的同時給自己點亮另一條自我提升之路。

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3. 你將學到:《高效能人士的7個習慣》;《習慣的力量》;《深度工作》;《四個協議》;《不要一個人吃飯》;《10X法則》《自我就是你最大的敵人》等精選書籍

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5. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading the 10 X rule by grant Cardone. [00:00:22] What if the difference between success and failure is simply a matter of mindset and action. According to grant Cardone, CEO of Cardone capital international speaker and top sales trainer. This is the essence of the 10 X rule. The 10 X rule is a principle that establishes the right levels of thinking and the right levels of action required to achieve success. [00:00:48] You can think of the 10 X rule as a superhuman commitment to success, which makes it more of a discipline than an inherent talent. If you work 10 times harder than the average person and set your goals 10 times higher than the average person you'll build lifestyle habits that are naturally 10 times more successful than the average person. [00:01:10] So let's jump into the book to learn more about what's needed to live a successful 10 X ...

7. Everyone Communicates This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading everyone communicates few connect by John C. Maxwell. Experts estimate that we are bombarded with 35,000 messages every day, vying for our attention. Meanwhile, we're trying to get our own messages across to. [00:00:34] Most people speak about 6,000 words a day, but how many of those words are getting through how many of those words will make a difference in everyone communicates few connect? What the most effective people do differently. John C. Maxwell draws from the advice of master communicators and his own personal experience to find principles and practices that will help you influence and inspire change in your relationships, your career and your world. [00:01:08] Whether you're asking for a promotion or making a toast, whether you're building a team or just helping your kid make good choices, the ability to influence others is necessary to effect...

10. The Ride of a Lifetime by Bob Iger This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading the ride of a lifetime lessons learned from 15 years as CEO of the Walt Disney company by Robert Iger. [00:00:27] In 2005, one of the first calls Robert Iger made after being named CEO of the Walt Disney company was to Steve jobs. Uyghur didn't know jobs particularly well at the time, but jobs was running Pixar, animation studios. Pixar had been a partner of Disney during one of their most successful periods of producing animated films together, creating iconic blockbusters, such as toy story cars and fighting Nimo. [00:00:55] However, over the last few years, years John's relationship with Disney had become frayed. The terms of the partnership had recently expired and jobs had publicly declared that he'd never worked with Disney again. On this initial called between Uyghur and jobs, jobs responded to the news of Uyghurs new role with the I...

11. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading the seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey. [00:00:24] Becoming a transformational leader. Doesn't happen overnight. There is no quick fix for developing the character necessary to empower others, to be their best selves. But according to Stephen Covey in his landmark book, the seven habits of highly effective people, there are certain mindsets and behaviors that each of us can practice on a daily basis to become successful and effective. [00:00:51] Okay. It all comes down to seven distinct habits to start. You must become truly proactive and begin each project with the end in mind. Next, you need to develop the discipline to put first things. First, when you interact with others, it's crucial that you approach things with a win-win mindset and that you seek first to understand, and then to be under...

9. Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading ego is the enemy by Ryan holiday. [00:00:22] There's no denying that. It's nice to feel special. But deep down, we also know that that feeling comes with a risk, especially for important leaders. If a leader thinks too highly of themselves, it can cloud their judgment and ruin an entire team. When a leader over identifies with and clings to their achievements, it can cause a single mistake to snowball into a nervous breakdown. [00:00:50] It's again, bubble. For every Steve jobs, success story. There's a Howard Hughes train wreck, but there's another way out of the spotlight. History has also been made quietly by people who put a higher goal above their short-term desire for recognition. Wherever you may be on the path to success. Setting out, settling in or stumbling hard in his book. [00:01:17] Ego is the enemy Ryan holiday blends lessons f...

The person who has a long list ofbooks to read, but doesn't actually have the time to read them. Well, you'renot alone. Whether it's work family or simply running errands, life has a wayof getting in the way. That's why the big idea takes key insights frombestselling nonfiction books and distills them into engaging 15 minute audiosummaries that you can listen to on the go, we focus on books that teach thingslike how to further your career, how to improve your relationships. 一個有很多書要讀,但實際上没有時間讀的人。你並不孤單。無論是工作家庭,還是簡單的跑腿,生活都有一種阻礙的方式。這就是為什麼“大創意”從暢銷非小說類書籍中獲取關鍵見解,並將其提煉成15分鐘的音頻摘要,供您隨時隨地收聽。我們專注於教您如何拓展職業生涯、如何改善人際關系等方面的書籍。 And other skills that help you tolead a fuller and more meaningful life, want to learn how to kick your badhabits or maybe improve the habits of your company to create a better workenvironment. Listen to our episode on the pow...

v1. ThePower of Habit by Charles Duhigg 1.查爾斯·杜希格《習慣的力量》 Welcome to thebig idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes today, we'll be reading the power ofhabit by Charles Duhigg. 歡迎來到大創意。今天15分鐘內最暢銷的書,我們將閱讀查爾斯·杜希格的《習慣的力量》。  We all havehabits and for many of us, our bad habits seem impossible to change. Whilechanging our habits might not be quick and easy. It is indeed possible blendingscientific research with engrossing real life stories. Charles Duhigg Pulitzerprize, winning reporter and bestselling author helps us understand why habitsexist and the methods by which we can change them. 我們都有習慣,對我們中的許多人來說,我們的壞習慣似乎無法改變。而改變我們的習慣並不容易。將科學研究與引人入勝的現實生活故事結合起來確實是可能的。查爾斯·杜希格·普利策獎獲獎記者和暢銷書作家幫助我們理解習慣的存在原因以及改變習慣的方法。  It also examineshow habits impact successful organization...

8. Smartcuts By Shane Snow This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading smart cuts by Shane snow. [00:00:23] Have you ever read Forbes? Magazine's 30, under 30 and asked yourself, how do they move so fast? Where many of us leave our dreams to luck the most rapidly successful people somehow seem to take their luck into their own hands. How do they do that? The exact step-by-step method that catapulted Alexander the great from exile to empire is effectively useless to a 21st century business. [00:00:49] And the exact methods that one startup uses to grow today will be totally irrelevant to another startup five years from now, but patterns of lateral thinking deployed throughout history suggest principles that can be harnessed by anyone seeking an edge. Combining scientific research with incisive profiles of some of the world's greatest innovators, Shane snow uncovers, proven techniques that can help you smart circuit your pa...

2. DeepWork by Cal Newport2.Cal Newport深度工作 I'm Elaine. Thisis the big idea selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'llbe reading deep work by Cal Newport我是伊蓮。這是一個在15分鐘內銷售喜馬拉雅學習書籍的好主意。今天,我們將閱讀Cal Newport的深度作品  email is anessential tool for almost all knowledge workers. It's the main medium ofcommunication with colleagues and clients. And since the advent of smartphones,email has become available anytime, anywhere as a result of emails,accessibility, many people feel compelled to respond to incoming messagesimmediately. 電子郵件是幾乎所有知識工作者必不可少的工具。它是與同事和客戶溝通的主要媒介。而自從智能手機問世以來,電子郵件變得隨時隨地都可以使用,由於電子郵件的無障礙性,許多人感到不得不立即對收到的信息做出回應。  At first blush,this might not seem like a problem. But has the omnipresence of email and itsdemands actually benefited productivity at work. Do email habits help maximize...

3. TheFour Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz 3.唐米格爾·魯伊斯的四項協議 This is the bigidea, best selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll bereading the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. 這是個好主意,15分鐘內最暢銷的關於喜馬拉雅的書。今天,我們將閱讀Don Miguel Ruiz的四項協議。  We all have ourown collection of beliefs, many of which create needless suffering and keep usfrom experiencing our full measure of joy. In his slim, but powerful book, DonMiguel Ruiz draws from ancient Toltec wisdom to share four agreements that wecan make with ourself in order to change how we engage with the world, therewards for this change, freedom, true happiness and authentic love. 我們都有自己的信仰集合,其中許多會造成不必要的痛苦,使我們無法充分體驗到快樂。唐米格爾·魯伊斯在他那本纖細而有力的書中,借鑒了古老的托爾特克智慧,分享了我們可以與自己達成的四個協議,以改變我們與世界的接觸方式,改變對我們的回報,自由,真正的幸福和真正的愛。  ...

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