The Science of Well-being
1h 14min2020 FEB 18
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We all want more happiness. But what if our brains lie to us about how to get there? Psychologist Dr. Laurie Santos, whose Yale course “Psychology and the Good Life,”is the most popular classever offeredin the history of the university, illuminates what science says about what makes us happy and also how to put effective happiness strategies into practice. But not everyone can enroll in Santos’ class at Yale or has the time to take theonline equivalent on Coursera. In Season One ofTHE HAPPINESS LAB,Dr. Laurie Santos explores startling truths and explodes myths about what makes us happy in ten exhilarating and informative episodes. Examining questions such as: will a new job or relationship make us happy, are we happier when we have unlimited choice and how can we harness technology to improve our well-being. Through surprising interviews with the likes of David Byrne, Michelle Kwan and Michael Phelps’s coach, along with in-depth storytelling and the science to back it up, Santos...

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