China Daily 為你讀英語新聞英語新聞丨China's top court upholds child trafficker's death sentence
2min6 d ago
Child trafficker Yu Huaying was executed on Friday after China's top court approved her death sentence. 人販余華英於上週五被執行死刑,此前中國最高人民法院核準了她的死刑判決。 The execution was carried out by the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court in Guizhou province, where Yu was convicted of abducting and trafficking children and given the death penalty. 此次死刑由貴州省貴陽市中級人民法院執行,余華英因拐賣兒童罪被判處死刑。 Before the 61-year-old was executed, the court allowed her to meet her family members, fully protecting the legitimate rights of the criminal. 在這名61歲罪犯被執行死刑前,法院安排其會見了近親屬,充分保障了被執行罪犯的合法權利。 On Oct 25, the court sentenced Yu to death after identifying that Yu, between 1993 and 2003, abducted 17 children in Guizhou, Chongqing and Yunnan provinces, and then sold the victims to Handan in Hebei province for financial gains. 10月25日,法院判處余華英死刑。法院經審理查明,1993年至2003年期間,余華英在貴州、重慶、雲南等地拐賣17名兒童...