20min2021 FEB 3


8. What's Out There (interactive mode) You're listening to career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This isn't a rate of Salinas, your host for career compass. An audio course for those on a journey to find work that more accurately aligns with their career compass, [00:00:34] Laura, halfway through our course. If you think back to the beginning, we first focused on how to turn inward, finding out who you are transforming that into succinct coherent storylines then, or in parallel, focusing on doing research about the landscape that you wanted to enter. This research, if you recall, we first did in stealth mode, what can you learn from websites, from job descriptions that are out there, things that organizations or individuals might post on the internet. [00:01:05] Then we married the work we had done on telling our...
