6min2021 JAN 13


5. Locke, Leibniz’s and “minute perceptions” Part two precursors to psychoanalysis [00:00:08] episode five block live nit sand minute perceptions. John Locke 1632 to 1704 was an English physician philosopher. Whose thoughts about government were an inspiration to many, including the authors of the United States constitution. He was also an influential proponent to the philosophical doctrine known as empiricism, which is the view that all knowledge derives from sensory experience and only from sensory experience to both to that appearances view lock Lockhill that if something is in one's mind, well, cannot fail to be aware that it is. [00:00:41] In his major work essay, concerning human understanding, luck, rights, whilst the soul thinks and perceives, it must necessarily be conscious of its own perception. Similarly, he remarks to be happy or miserable. Yeah. Without being conscious of it seems to me utterly inconsistent and impulsive, like also points out it isn't possible...
