4. Nutrition 營養
Key isnutrition. We can control some things in our lives, what we say, what we do,and also what we eat. We have complete control over what we put into our mouthsevery day. What are you putting into your mouth? Each day and each night, ifyou're looking to have flowing skin, abundant energy, clean arteries, healthydigestion, and lower levels of insulin nation in general, then what you eat isincredibly important.
Food. Isn't justcalories to get you through the day. It's a critical component of a healthylifestyle that empowers you to reach your full potential.
So nutrition can play asignificant role in almost every aspect of one's life.
Eating the rightfood in the right amount at the appropriate time is essential. Food is fuel andnourishment. We know from research that food has medicinal properties with itsvitamins, minerals and phytonutrients consuming, more plants and vegetables in yourdiet gives you antioxidants, which help prevent cancer and heart disease.
People who eatseven or more servings of fruits and vegetables are 42% less likely to die fromany cause over the next years, compared to those who eat less than one servinga day. In addition, what you eat has an impact on your brain. We've all heardof sugar highs. Have you heard of the sugar cycle?
Let me explain.
So you're tired.It's about 3:00 PM. And you reach for that cookie that sits on the desk atwork, consume, it gets into your system, blood sugars go up. You feel prettygood. You're in your natural sugar high, but then. The pancreas gets wind ofwhat's going on. And it realizes this is a nine 11 emergency and it sends outinsulin insulin's job is to bring that sugar into the cells, get it out of thebloodstream and bring it into the cells.
By the way,insulin is a great fat storage hormone as well. So insulin does its job. Theblood vessels are no longer teaming with blood glucose. In fact, now you mayhave low blood sugar. Then what happens, feel tired and you reach for anothercookie and this could happen. Every 40 minutes or so, because a sugar high isnot going to give you a sense of satiety, a sense of fullness.
It may give youa little high, a little sugar high, but it's not going to provide you withnourishment over the next few hours. And what we're looking for is constantblood sugar levels. How do we get those? With a diet that is rich invegetables, whole grains, healthy protein, so that the body does some work todigest the food and then releases the glucose, releases the sugar in a steadystream throughout the day.
This avoids thehighs and lows of the sugar. So many of us crave these sugary snacks because we'relooking for that natural high. We need to find other ways to do the naturalhigh, like a drug, which we learned about in our exercise, key information, thesugar cycle is, Oh, so powerful. And I know this myself because I engaged inloops and loops and cycles and cycles of, of sugar when I was managing my ownstress at an earlier time in my life.
So let's talkabout sugar and it's straw. Oftentimes, when we consume processed food, there'sa beautiful combination of sugar and fat and salt layered upon each other,which makes, makes that food. What we call hyper
palatable. It'sso tasty and it actually creates a reward in our brain. It hits the rewardcenter and releases dopamine too significant levels that makes us want thatfood again.
And again.
Well, I'll sharewith you a personal story. I don't share it often, but I'm sharing it heretoday in our course, hoping that perhaps you'll relate to it and perhaps itwill help you get out of this sugar cycle too. When I was in college, I wantedto write a thesis. I wrote a thesis about. Stress and the heart mental stressand the heart as is pretty ironic.
I see. As I'mtelling you this story, because I'm going to talk to you about the stress thatthe thesis caused and how I managed it with sugar. So. About a month before thethesis was due. I got very stressed and I needed to do a lot of work. So Iwould stay up late. I don't know about you, but I'm a morning person, not anight owl, but I needed stay up late.
So every night about 1230, I would needsome kind of pick me up. I would feel like I just couldn't keep working, but Iknew I needed to work. So. I would hop on my bike and I would head to the localstore to four right here in Harvard. I got to know the grocer or the cashier atthe store pretty much by, by name because I would go every night, pretty muchclockwork, 1230, and I would buy an Entenmann's coffee roll.
Oh, theraspberry kind. If you know it. It was such a delight. Oh, so delicious. Icould just almost taste it upon entering the store too four I'd purchase that.And only that, and then I go back into my dorm room and I'd consume it and ittasted so good. And I got that sugar high and I would finish writing up theremaining section of my thesis that I had my agenda for that day.
This went on andon and on. And it was the way that I managed my stress during my thesis. Ididn't think it was having any kind of an impact on me until I put on my jeans,my regular jeans that I loved. And I noticed that I couldn't really pull themup easily over my hips. And I thought, Oh, that's weird.
I wonder what'shappened. Well, then when I checked the scale, I did notice that I had gainedfive pounds or so point a story is then the thesis was handed in and I nolonger had that stress. And I actually no longer went to store two, four at1230 at night. I was free and I was a senior and life was good and I wasfocusing more on pleasure.
And I got backinto my jogging. That routine that I love so much that I use for my stressrelief and have continued to use for years and years later, but it taught methe power of the sugary foods, these processed foods, and how they can almostdictate your actions. In my case, I was lucky in that the stressor went awaywhen I handed in the thesis.
But you may bein a situation where there is no thesis to hand in. This is your job. This isyour life. So what are you going to do? Continue to go to store two, four andget the strawberry and Timmons coffee. Okay. I'd like to offer some othersolutions. Perhaps we think about what's going on in the evening, because oftenthis evening eating also called nighttime eating is a challenge for many peopleand addressing what's going on is the key.
You have to askourselves, what is the stressor? How can we reduce that stress? We go back toour key stress resiliency. Number one, we think about the challenge and wethink about our skills. Do we need to improve our skills? Do we need to reducethe challenge? And what else can we do for stress reduction?
So we go back tothe stress resiliency information. We think about deep breathing. We thinkabout mindfulness based stress reduction meditation. We think about the powerof routine exercise sleep, and then we get right into our key that we'rediscussing right now. Nutrition. What can we eat? That will be nutritious anddelicious.
I will sharewith you that I moved from Entenmann's cakes in my life to now fruits, berries,Apple with a little almond butter as my desserts and my pleasure. These arenature's candy nature suites.
How do thefollowing fit into your diet fruits? Like apples, berries, peaches, watermelon,and vegetables. Like spinach, kale, carrots, eggplant, and protein from nuts,seeds, legumes, maybe some soy. And what kinds of fats are you consuming? Howto whole grains fit into your diet? Remember they're simple carbs and complexcarbs.
Simple carbswill be your sweets, your white pasta, white bread. And those will just turnright into sugar when you consume them. Then there's the whole grains, the bodyneeds to digest them, and that will release the sugar of glucose more slowly.Remember, there's a difference between eating a diet that's healthy and eatinga diet that's incredibly varied, interesting and enjoyable.
Some additionalnutrition tips for you to consider. Avoid sugar, sweetened beverages like soda.There's no nutritional value and they could be harmful.
There's somestudies that show they can lead to stroke whenever possible. Avoid trans fatsalso called partially hydrogenated fats and lastly, choose healthy forms ofcarbohydrate.
Avoid simplecarbs. That includes cookies, candies, any types of sweets. It also includeswhite pasta, white bread, white bagels instead choose complex carbohydrates,which include Brown rice. Keenwah whole grain pasta. These are healthier formsof carbohydrate because the body needs to digest them. So when you consumethem, they will take a period of time to actually break them down and releasethe glucose into your bloodstream.
So you get asteady state. Of glucose or sugar in your bloodstream versus the simple carbs,which will give you that spike in blood sugar that we talked about with thesugar cycle.
Following thesethree tips are an easy way to start your journey to healthier eating. So you maybe wondering how can you incorporate a healthy diet into your work lives andadopt and maintain healthy eating habits throughout your life? First thing youneed to understand is a healthy eating pattern.
The Harvardhealthy plate is your go-to template for a healthy eating pattern. Let's reviewit. Half of the plate is filled with vegetables and some fruit, a quarter ofthe plate is filled with complex carbohydrates like keenwah Brown rice andwhole grain bread or pasta. The remaining quarter of the plate is filled with ahealthy protein, predominantly plants, if possible, nuts, seeds, legumes,terrific sources of protein.
Fish twice aweek is also acceptable. Look for the mercury levels in the fish you'reconsuming chicken poultry is basically equivocal. It won't be detrimental to yourhealth. It will have protein in it, which will be an advantage to your health.But red meat is to be avoided processed meat in particular.
Is to be avoided. There'sevidence that red meat is connected to cancer.
Following theHarvard healthy plate and pattern is very similar to following a Mediterraneandiet, which you may be familiar. We load up on vegetables and fruit and complexcarbohydrates, a quarter of the plate, protein healthy.
Plant-based protein. Whenpossible
as a busyprofessional, how are you going to make this work for you? Number one, tip iscooking at home. Batch cooking on the weekends, freezing meals and taking theminto work for lunch, as well as being able to take them out of the freezer inthe evening when you get home. So they're a quick meal for you.
So using theweekends for batch cooking, healthy Harvard plate type meals is important. Youcan make it fun by doing this with your spouse or loved one or friends, or evenyou could make a certain meal and then share it with three friends and perhapsthey each make a meal and they share with you. So now you're going to have fourdifferent meals for the week.
Work on consuming five toseven servings of vegetables a day and two to
three servingsof fruit a day utilizing nature's candy or fruit as your dessert will reallyhelp you to change your taste buds so that you will find these fruits supersweet. I know this sounds perhaps like it can't possibly happen.
However, thereare MRI studies that show we can go through tastebud rehab. It takes about amonth, but if you eat like this for a month, you will notice that the fruitswill taste sweeter to you. And that means that you will no longer be relyingupon the simple carbs of. Cookies cakes, candies for your desserts.
Another tip,make vegetable dishes more appealing by giving them really fun names. There'sresearch that shows if we call a dish super delicious Kali flower, it actuallywill help you be more engaged and interested in eating that meal. I would alsoadd herbs and spices. Not only change the name, but change up the taste.
With different flavors,this will help you to spice up your vegetables, make them more appealing, andyou will be able to consume the five to seven
servings that'srecommended for your health. Don't look to the latest fad diet. Cause you know,there are some. Probably ones popped up today. Instead rely on the evidence,rely on the research.
The Harvardhealthy eating plate came from dr. Walt Willett at the school of public healthat Harvard, and he has been researching diet and nutrition for decades. We wantto stay with evidence and lead our healthy lifestyles based on what theresearch has shown can be successful. So when you're thinking about breakfast,lunch, and dinner, Think about the template of the Harvard healthy eatingplate,
some practicalstrategies for you, a sensible eating plan should be focused on healthpromoting foods that you enjoy while not being overly restrictive. When itcomes to special occasions, be compassionate with yourself. Here are 11practical strategies of a sensible eating plan. Excerpt from the lifestylemedicine handbook, one, eat the rainbow, eat a variety of foods in multiplecolors, especially fruits and vegetables to avoid or limit animal products.
Understand thenegative impact that animal products have on your health. There's been researchthat connects the consumption of red meat to the development of type twodiabetes to coronary artery disease, to stroke, and a certain cancers, reducinganimal product consumption while also increasing whole plant food intake hasmany potential benefits based on research studies, including.
Helps treat acneincreases. Intake of fiber helps improve mood helps lower LDL cholesteroldecreases oxidative stress and helps with weight control. Three limit oils,sugars, and alcohol intake aim to keep your diet low in fat and cholesterol.Additionally, salt, sugar, and alcoholic beverages should be consumed inmoderation or avoided for fill up on fiber rich plant foods.
Eat plenty offiber, rich vegetables, seeds, fruits, and legumes. Now's a good time to sharesome data on vegetables and fruits and why we stress them in lifestylemedicine. There's a lot of research that shows benefits for fruit and vegetableconsumption. A meta analysis of cohort studies following 469,551 participantsfound that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with areduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and strokespecifically, and average reduction in risk of 4% was noted for each additionalserving per day of fruit and vegetables.
Eat plenty of fiber,rich vegetables,seeds,fruits,and legumes.現在是分享一些蔬菜和水果數據的好時機,以及為什麼我們在生活方式醫學中強調它們。有很多研究表明,水果和蔬菜的消費是有益的。一項對469551名參與者進行的隊列研究的薈萃分析發現,攝入更多的水果和蔬菜與心血管疾病、心臟病和中風的死亡風險降低有關,而且每天每多吃一次水果和蔬菜,風險平均降低4%。
This was in theBritish medical journal six years ago in the nurse's study, they comparedthose, the lowest category of fruit and vegetable intake. That would be lessthan 1.5 servers a day to those who averaged eight or more servings a day. Andthose that had more servings eight or more were 30% less likely to have had aheart attack or stroke.
This was fromthe journal of the national cancer Institute 16 years ago. Individuals who atemore than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day had roughly a 20%lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Compared with individuals whoate less than three servings per day. This is backed up from information in thejournal of human hypertension in 2007.
And the Lancetin 2006, I give you these dates to tell you, we have known about the value ofvegetables and fruits. For decade and more. Five stay hydrated, drink wateroften, even if you don't feel thirsty, getting sufficient water is so importantfor a healthy body. When you're dehydrated, your body's cells do a lot of workto compensate as it needs water to function in every way, the amount of waterwill vary for each of you to monitor.
If you'regetting enough fluids, look at the color of your urine, it should be clear or apale yellow color. Some people also confuse hunger with thirst. A good tip isto consider drinking a glass of water. If you feel hungry and you recently atea meal, six examine emotional factors. How much you eat and your ability tolose weight might depend on your psychological factors.
It should benoted that the feeling of being hungry is not always the reason to eat. Forexample, your emotions often have an effect on what, and when you eatovereating might increase. When you're feeling bored, stressed, anxious,fatigued, or depressed seven. Keep portions in check since it takes the brainabout 20 minutes to realize that the stomach is full.
Consider thesetips when eating out or a meal at home. Keep portions in mind, especially wheneating high calorie dense foods. Eat more slowly. Savor each bite and eatsmaller bites, eight eat until satisfied versus full. I don't think you need toeat everything on your plate. Stop. When you are feeling full, even better isto stop when you're 80% full pack up the rest and save it for another time,this will help prevent eating past the point of feeling
full nine.
Curate a healthyfood environment. Be aware, plan and control. What foods are in your house? 10balanced meals throughout the day. Eating smaller portions of food morefrequently throughout the day may help with weight loss efforts. If it makesyou make healthier choices, 11 cook at home, eat out less and learn how to fillyour kitchen with healthy options.
Watch cookingshows, take cooking classes, add herbs and spices to make your whole fooddishes more delicious. Make sure there are plenty of in season fruits andvegetables. Stock your cabinets with nuts and seeds. So when you're feelinglike you're not sure what to do with your nutrition. Here are 11 tips for youto consider pick one or two focus on those and move forward.
So after hearingall this, what will you do to move forward? One thing you can do is write downyour current diet, consider how you can customize or make changes with a newdiet that incorporates what you learned about a whole food plant based diet.What are some additional considerations that you'll consider?
Here's somequestions to answer. What did you eat yesterday? Do you often eat betweenmeals? What, how much and how often. How many vegetables do you eat in a day?What vegetables are they? How many fruits do eat in a day? What types of fruit,what types of foods are in your cabinets? What's your most likely source ofinformation on nutrition?
Is itevidence-based? Is it from the research? How do you think your diet impactsyour overall health? Uh, diet should be healthy, enjoyable, and sustainable. Itshould be suitable to your needs and tastes ultimately the better the match,the greater, the odds of achieving long-term success in the diet with anutritious and delicious diet, you'll be able to, she then sustain a healthyweight as well as prevent halt and reverse disease.
I'll see younext time for our fourth key on sleep. What you just heard was the keys tohealthier living, unlocking your full potential. I Himalaya learning audiocourse. Be sure to check out all the other exclusive courses in the Himalayaapp or on himalaya.com.