斯坦福職業發展導師親授:職業之路指南針(附英文原稿)1. Tools for Discovering Your Compass 發現你的方向的工具
20min2020 NOV 23
1. Tools for Discovering Your Compass 1.發現指南針的工具 You're listeningto career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out allof the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is Irena Salinas, yourhost for career compass, an audio course for those on a journey to find workthat more accurately aligns with their career compass. 你在聽的是《職業指南針》,一個喜馬拉雅學習音頻課程。一定要查看喜馬拉雅應用程序或上的所有其他精彩的獨家內容喜馬拉雅網站.歡迎大家。感謝您今天加入我們。這是艾琳娜·薩利納斯,你的職業指南針的主持人,這是一個音頻課程,為那些在旅途中尋找工作,更準確地符合他們的職業指南針。 Today, I haveIrma Venkatesh on the show. She is assistant Dean of career education andassociate director of career communities at Stanford. Herbal his work hasallowed her to help hundreds of clients in their exploration of meaningful,diverse career paths. She's a regular coll...