斯坦福職業發展導師親授:職業之路指南針(附英文原稿)0. An Overview of the Journey 旅程的概述
14min2020 NOV 23
0. An Overview of the Journey 0.旅程概述 Yeah, listeningto career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course, be sure to check out allof the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Hello, my name is Marita Salinas and I am your host for career compass, anaudio course where I hope to share some insights. And how to intentionallynavigate the professional world. 是的,收聽career compass,一個喜馬拉雅學習音頻課程,一定要在喜馬拉雅應用程序或其他網站上查看所有其他精彩的獨家內容喜馬拉雅網站.你好,我叫瑪麗塔·薩利納斯,我是你的職業指南針的主持人,這是一個音頻課程,我希望在這里分享一些見解。以及如何有意識地駕馭職業世界。 When you think ofnavigating the world of work, many people will tell you the importance ofmanaging your LinkedIn profile or expanding your network. I'm sure you've heardit. What image are you projecting onto the world? You know, it's not what youknow, but who, you know, and while I absolutely acknowledge that both yourprofession...