How to Build Mental Strength

How to Build Mental Strength

13 Things to Stop Doing

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2 小時 15 分鐘
16 聲音

Named the “self-help guru of the moment” by The Guardian, international bestselling author Amy Morin has found the keys to taking back your power, conserving your energy, and learning from your mistakes. In this course, she shares the strategies and tools she’s learned that can help you overcome the mental and emotional challenges that keep you from reaching your true potential.

  • Amy Morin
    Amy Morin
    Bestselling Author and Speaker

Find out why mental strength is an important area of focus, and learn the 13 things you should not do (or stop doing) in order to get it.

Exercise your gratitude by deliberately focusing on things you are grateful for, and don’t waste time on self pity.

Discover ways to empower yourself in your daily choices, and always take personal responsibility over your actions.

Learn how to navigate major life decisions with less anxiety, and weigh the pros and cons of deciding to “rock the boat” sometimes.

Put boundaries around your worrying by giving it 15 minutes in your calendar every day, and see what happens.

Practice saying no, get comfortable with expressing your true opinions, and stop trying to get everybody to like you.

Use logic to approach risks, instead of letting emotions take over, in order to experience much more of life’s joys.

Practice ways to reflect on past experience without getting bogged down by negative emotions, and learn how to build a happier future.

Push yourself outside your comfort zone, experiment with alternative strategies, and avoid falling for the same old traps.

Concentrate on your own goals and values, rather than pitting yourself against your perception of other people.

Put your inner perfectionist aside and accept failure as a stepping stone to success.

Learn the benefits of healthy solitude, and how being alone with yourself can free you from outside influences.

Take inventory of the gifts you possess and the opportunities you can create for yourself.

Reset your expectations in this world of instant gratification, and look ahead to realistic milestones.

Reflect on your learnings, and focus on continuing to make positive changes to strengthen your mind.


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