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1 小時 52 分鐘
12 聲音

For everybody who needs to advance their career & performance, or even starts a company, there are several mind tricks you can use that maximize your strengths, clear your mind for focus, and get the work done efficiently. In this course, best-selling author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss explains what those mind tricks are. 

如何提升職業發展,甚至創辦公司,掌握幾種思維技巧,就可以最大限度地發揮自己的優勢,提升專注力並有效地完成工作。在本課程中,暢銷書作家和企業家蒂姆·費里斯(Tim Ferriss)會闡釋這些技巧。

  • 蒂姆·費里斯(Tim Ferriss)
    蒂姆·費里斯(Tim Ferriss)

When you’re starting a company or a new venture, there are two relevant branding questions: How do I build a powerful, indelible brand and how do I keep it from imprisoning me in a very narrow niche forever?當你著手創辦一家公司,或開啟一個新的創業項目時,會遇到兩個與品牌塑造有關的問題,那就是如何建立起一個強大、永不磨滅的品牌,又不至於永遠被它禁錮在一個十分狹小的領域。在本節課中,蒂姆·費里斯將告訴我們答案。

When you’re starting a company or a new venture, there are two relevant branding questions: How do I build a powerful, indelible brand and how do I keep it from imprisoning me in a very narrow niche forever?當你著手創辦一家公司,或開啟一個新的創業項目時,會遇到兩個與品牌塑造有關的問題,那就是如何建立起一個強大、永不磨滅的品牌,又不至於永遠被它禁錮在一個十分狹小的領域。在本節課中,蒂姆·費里斯將告訴我們答案。

Fear and stress make people make bad decisions. At the same time, life sometimes involves real risks, and it’s important not to navigate them blind. As an investor and a “human guinea pig”, Tim Ferriss has taken some major risks over the course of his career, yet he considers himself quite conservative. How does he mitigate risk? How does he manage fear and stress? Like everything else Tim does, there’s a system to it.恐懼和壓力會迫使人們做出錯誤決定。同時,生活也不時會帶來一些真正的風險,但重要的是,不要盲目地迎面而上。作為一名投資人兼“人型小白鼠”,蒂姆·費里斯曾在職業生涯中承擔過一些重大風險,但他認為自己相當保守。那麼,蒂姆是如何降低風險、管理恐懼和壓力的呢?且聽他娓娓道來。

Fear and stress make people make bad decisions. At the same time, life sometimes involves real risks, and it’s important not to navigate them blind. As an investor and a “human guinea pig”, Tim Ferriss has taken some major risks over the course of his career, yet he considers himself quite conservative. How does he mitigate risk? How does he manage fear and stress? Like everything else Tim does, there’s a system to it.恐懼和壓力會迫使人們做出錯誤決定。同時,生活也不時會帶來一些真正的風險,但重要的是,不要盲目地迎面而上。作為一名投資人兼“人型小白鼠”,蒂姆·費里斯曾在職業生涯中承擔過一些重大風險,但他認為自己相當保守。那麼,蒂姆是如何降低風險、管理恐懼和壓力的呢?且聽他娓娓道來。

In this lesson, best-selling author Tim Ferriss details the ways in which a small start-up can become a global success on a low budget by utilizing the customers themselves as a research and marketing tool.本次課程中,蒂姆將為小型初創企業詳細介紹一條發展路徑,那就是把自家的客戶作為研究和營銷利器,不必太多花費,就能成為一家享譽全球的企業。

In this lesson, best-selling author Tim Ferriss details the ways in which a small start-up can become a global success on a low budget by utilizing the customers themselves as a research and marketing tool.本次課程中,蒂姆將為小型初創企業詳細介紹一條發展路徑,那就是把自家的客戶作為研究和營銷利器,不必太多花費,就能成為一家享譽全球的企業。

Procrastination is a near-universal problem, but it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one who has trouble getting things done. And when you feel like that, getting things done only gets harder. A dedicated life hacker himself and frequent podcast interviewer of super-accomplished people, Tim Ferriss has some concrete tips to offer for escaping the procrastination quicksand: Keep tasks small and defined, rig the game in your favor, and embrace positive constraints.拖延症是一個相對普遍的問題,但它很容易讓你覺得只有你一個人在完成一件事上有困難。而當你這麼想的時候,完成這件事只會變得更加困難。

Procrastination is a near-universal problem, but it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one who has trouble getting things done. And when you feel like that, getting things done only gets harder. A dedicated life hacker himself and frequent podcast interviewer of super-accomplished people, Tim Ferriss has some concrete tips to offer for escaping the procrastination quicksand: Keep tasks small and defined, rig the game in your favor, and embrace positive constraints.拖延症是一個相對普遍的問題,但它很容易讓你覺得只有你一個人在完成一件事上有困難。而當你這麼想的時候,完成這件事只會變得更加困難。

Become the Smartest Person in the Room: Develop Superpowers by Investigating What Others Won’t, with Tim Ferriss, Investor and Author, Tools of Titans and The 4-Hour Workweek今天我們請到了著名企業家蒂姆·費里斯,他也是《每週工作4小時》、《巨人的工具》等暢銷書的作者。今天的課程中,費里斯將告訴我們,敢於問出别人不敢問的問題是怎樣的一種超能力。

Become the Smartest Person in the Room: Develop Superpowers by Investigating What Others Won’t, with Tim Ferriss, Investor and Author, Tools of Titans and The 4-Hour Workweek今天我們請到了著名企業家蒂姆·費里斯,他也是《每週工作4小時》、《巨人的工具》等暢銷書的作者。今天的課程中,費里斯將告訴我們,敢於問出别人不敢問的問題是怎樣的一種超能力。

Mine for Mental Gold: How to Start Conversations with the People you Admire, with Tim Ferriss, Investor and Author, Tools of Titans and The 4-Hour Workweek今天我們請到了著名企業家蒂姆·費里斯,他也是《每週工作4小時》、《巨人的工具》等暢銷書的作者。今天的課程中,費里斯將告訴我們,如何以問題為“鋤頭”,從他人的大腦里“挖掘思想的黃金”。

Mine for Mental Gold: How to Start Conversations with the People you Admire, with Tim Ferriss, Investor and Author, Tools of Titans and The 4-Hour Workweek今天我們請到了著名企業家蒂姆·費里斯,他也是《每週工作4小時》、《巨人的工具》等暢銷書的作者。今天的課程中,費里斯將告訴我們,如何以問題為“鋤頭”,從他人的大腦里“挖掘思想的黃金”。


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