Mindfulness for Everyday Life

Mindfulness for Everyday Life

An ancient practice for the modern world

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5 小時 16 分鐘
20 聲音

Mindfulness for Everyday Life is a series of twenty episodic lessons that covers key concepts and ideas for how and why to practice the ancient technique of mindfulness in a modern world. The course specifically focuses on how to apply mindfulness to the workplace and domestic life. Each episode builds on the overall topic, and by the end, listeners will have a more in-depth understanding of what it means to “practice mindfulness.” This course is intended for both beginners who are new to mindfulness and more advanced practitioners alike. Regardless of your experience, you’ll have something to take away from each episode. If you’ve been looking for a greater sense of peace and contentment in your work and personal life, this course is a great place to start.

What You'll Learn

  • Practical exercises for developing mindfulness

  • A deeper understanding of subtopics within mindfulness: compassion, impermanence, interdependence, and more

  • A new lens for viewing yourself and others

  • Guided meditations

  • Parables and anecdotes that bring the teachings to life

  • Noah Rasheta
    Noah Rasheta
    Host of Secular Buddhism Podcast, mindfulness educator

Mindfulness is the non-judgmental observation of the present moment. It’s less about feeling good, more about being good at feeling.

Learn some of the common techniques for how to practice mindfulness in everyday life. Includes a guided meditation.

Learn to see yourself, others, and life in general through the lenses of Impermanence and Interdependence.

TheA powerful guided meditation on the impermanent nature of things.

Learn to distinguish between pain, suffering, and unsatisfactoriness. Self inflicted suffering is something we can work with.

Learn to distinguish between pain, suffering, and unsatisfactoriness. Includes a guided meditation.

Life is like a game of Tetris, we don’t control what shape will show up next.

Life is like a game of Tetris, we don’t control what shape will show up next. Includes a guided meditation

Learn about the stories we tell about ourselves, others, and reality. Tips and techniques for learning how to be more skillful about the stories we have.

Sometimes we’re not fully aware of the motives behind our thoughts and actions. What’s really going on here?

Once you’ve crossed to the other shore, is it skillful to continue carrying the raft on your journey? Parables to help liberate you from the past.

Once you’ve crossed to the other shore, is it skillful to continue carrying the raft on your journey? Parables to help liberate you from the past.

The stories we hold on to the most are the ones we have about ourselves. What if we can find freedom in the process of letting go of our stories.

The stories we hold on to the most are the ones we have about ourselves. What if we can find freedom in the process of letting go of our stories. Includes exercises and techniques for practice.

What if the firm foundation you’re standing on isn’t quite as firm as you think? What if you could get comfortable with having no ground to stand on?

A guided meditation using your breathing pattern to relax and experience a greater sense of calm.

In mindfulness practice, the journey itself is the goal. We never actually arrive and that’s a good thing!

A guided meditation to help foster kindness and compassion.

These five important things to remember will help with being more mindful in your day-to-day routine.

This beautiful parable summarizes the main benefit of practicing mindfulness everyday.


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