Diversify for Success7. Set High Standards for Integrity at Your Organization
5min2020 AUG 29
Are organizations more or less ethical now than they were, say, fifty years ago? While that’s tough to assess accurately, Sir Andrew Likierman of London Business School argues that today’s ethical climate is more conducive to corporate ethical responsibility than ever before. Take the increasingly common phenomenon of corporate whistleblowing: does it mean that businesses are suddenly misbehaving on an unprecedented scale? Does it mean that more disgruntled employees than ever are inventing false allegations? Likierman believes it’s evidence that––unlike 50 years ago––mechanisms now exist for airing and addressing company-wide problems rather than sweeping them under the rug. And that can only be a good thing.WhistleblowingIf there is a whistleblowing incident at your organization, assume there is an issue to address until proven to the contrary.Consider whistleblowing a valuable and serious form of feedback.Investigate dispassionately until you are satisfied whether the alle...