Personal Development
2min2020 AUG 29


The greatest advantage of age and experience is wisdom. Wisdom is a resilient outlook that takes the good and the bad in stride, knowing for a fact that change happens, and with incredibly rare exceptions, it’s not the end of the world. Professional failures are valuable learning opportunities and successes offer a different kind of useful information. You learn from both, and move on to the next opportunity.However brilliant a young professional may be, she lacks the experience to process failure stoically. This is where mentors come in. Sarah Robb O’Hagan emphasizes that finding a good mentor (and likely more than one over the course of your career) is absolutely crucial to success. A mentor has the power to keep you focused on the long game. And to keep you from freaking out counterproductively whenever things go awry.Young professionals often lack the experience necessary to handle problems calmly - with a grain of salt. Lean on wisdom from a senior coworker who can remind you...