Solve Sales Challenges3. The Dealstorming Cycle, Steps 1-4
9min2020 AUG 27
“Dealstorming,” as former Yahoo CSO Tim Sanders defines it, is “organiz[ing] and lead[ing] a cross-functional team to work together to solve a significant sales challenge through highly structured meetings and project work.”Like all complex challenges, dealstorming is best approached as a series of smaller steps. Sanders breaks it down into seven, beginning with accurately identifying sales challenges worthy of a dealstorm in the first place. In this lesson, he shares the first four steps:1. Qualify - Strive for scalability.The ProcessTake the value of the opportunity.Multiply it by the complexity of the situation.Measure each factor on a scale of 1-10.Then calculate the cumulative score on a scale from 1-100.2. Organize - Create a list of potential team members that have a stake in the outcome.The stakes have knowledge of the product, the problem space, and the nature of the outcome. Be sure to involve them early in the processDon’t just invite people to meetings; ask them to ...