Navigating Change
4min2020 AUG 26
Play Episode


New ideas and trends sweep through the business world rapidly––so rapidly that they’re often met with skepticism. If you’re trying to effect a profound digital transformation in your company, it’s easy to talk the talk, making bold, sweeping statements about synergy and interactivity and the future, but how can you get everybody walking the walk?Citing his experience at the BBC––a massive and venerable institution whose digital transformation he oversaw––Ralph Rivera says it starts with embracing both negative and positive motivators.Embrace positive and negative motivationEstablish a positive motivator by announcing a lofty ambition with high stakes.Establish a negative motivator by identifying the consequences of failure.Cut the fat immediatelyDo fewer things better.Be disciplined when setting priorities and allocating resources.Strive to be world-class in a few things, not mediocre in many things.Can you consolidate or eliminate products?