Navigating Change
8min2020 AUG 26
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Shifting the culture of a massive organization like the BBC is like turning an aircraft carrier around: you need to do it deliberately and step-by-step or you’re in trouble. To begin with, says BBC Director of Digital Ralph Rivera, you need to take a macro view of the organization and diagnose the problem. When Rivera came on board at the BBC, they had over 400 separate websites. Online, at least, “there was no such thing as ‘The BBC’.”StrategyDigital transformation involves more than having a website; it’s about developing digital products. How will you support user-centric product management? agile product development? data-driven product marketing?The goal is to engage users digitally in product development. Capture user data to help you understand different user needs. Use incoming data to help you customize each user’s experience.PlatformA robust digital platform is needed to enable products and leverage user data. What features will allow you to capture and integrate th...