2min2019 MAR 22
推薦詞:不丹前首相肯讚·多吉:佛教中的平衡,是不丹人克服現代壓力的關鍵 Hello,my Chinese friends! I am Kinzang Dorji, from the Kingdom of Bhutan. 中國的朋友們,大家好,我是肯讚·多吉,曾經是不丹王國的首相。 Sincethe 1970s, Bhutan has been pursuing cross national happiness as its primarydevelopment goal. Thanks to the profound wisdom and foresight of our world King,his name is Jigme Singye Wangchuck. Since then, Bhutan has been knownthe world over, as one of the happiest countries, and definitely as thehappiest country in Asia. As we know throughout the world, as more and morewealth is created, young people are becoming more and more anxious, accompaniedby insecurity, turmoil and dissatisfaction. 感謝我們的第四代國王,吉格梅·辛格·旺楚克,由於他的深刻智慧與遠見,自20世紀70年代以來,不丹一直將追求國民幸福作為主要發展目標。從那時起,不丹就最為世界上最幸福的國家之一而聞名全球,並且...