Solve Sales Challenges
5min2020 AUG 27


Dealstorming is a term coined by Tim Sanders, the former CSO of Yahoo, to describe a scalable, repeatable process that brings key players together around the table to solve a sales challenge. Teamwork is crucial in sales because prospective buyers have already organized themselves into teams. You need a network to beat a network, says Sanders.Dealstorming: To organize and lead a cross-functional team to work together to solve a significant sales challenge through highly structured meetings and project workDrivers of Difficultymore decision-makers, influencers and sign-offs involved in the processmore complicated, technology-laced productsbuyers organized into cross-disciplinary teams to beat sellersprospects empowered by search technology to do their own researchMaking the ShiftAs an individual, you must team up because you’ve been teamed up on.Sales teams must put substantial effort toward “unteaching” self-empowered prospects.The crux of modern sales is rapid problem solving.