雅思口語新週刊English Podcast

雅思口語新週刊English Podcast

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很多老建築在市中心 most of the old buildings are right located in the central area of the city 陪伴我們八十多年 probably they have been with us more than eighty years long 就在市中心 just in the city center 我見過的最老的 the oldest one that I have ever seen

可多好處啦 So many good points can be identified 學的很好 you can learn it well 工作機會多 you would certainly have more working opportunities 講流利的外語 then you speak fluent second language

因為需要居住 mainly because they need a house to live in 很多人買不起 A lot of people cannot afford it 在我們的文化當中 In my culture 房子是剛需 A house is required

比其他地方更有意思 it could be more fun than any other kinds of places 工作壓力 heavy workload 負能量消散 their bad emotions and fatigues would be gone eventually 效果很好 it really works well

兩件事是我喜歡的 Two things are my favorites 去健身房 go to the gym 忙碌之余 after a tough day of work study 搞點喝的 grab something to drink

不聰明的決定 I don't think it's a very smart decision 嘲笑我 laughing at me 內向不敢 I am too shy to do so 有效果 work well

對我來說 for my part 我喜歡 I am really into 週末去健身房 go to the gym on weekends 身材管理很重要 the body building is very important to me


至少一週一兩次 at least once a week or twice a week 已經戒掉閱讀的習慣了 I have already given up the habit of reading 壓力很大的時候 when I'm under high pressure 差異明顯 the differences can be very very apparent

兩個方式推薦 Two ways are highly recommended 社交軟件 it's related social apps 參加 take part in 兩種交朋友的方式 two ways that people like to make friends

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