How To Financially Prepare To Buy Your First Home

How To Financially Prepare To Buy Your First Home

All your money questions answered

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There's a lot to know when buying a home, but the most important question is can you afford it? Let the podcast "How to Buy a Home" help you figure it out with this five series deep diving into preparing financially to buy a home.

What You'll Learn
• Tips for budgeting, commitment, and getting a real estate agent
• Dealing with debt while buying a home
• Buying your first home the right way

1. Where to Start?
How setting goals can help you avoid overspending.

2. How to Be Financially Prepared to Buy Your Very First Home
Tips, tricks, pitfalls, and real free advice.

3. How to Buy A Home The Right Way
Forget your high school and college econ classes because, unfortunately, nobody is teaching this stuff. 

4. Your Home As a Long-Term Investment
Diversifying your retirement portfolio to finance your future.

5. The Big Question
How do my student loans affect my ability to buy my first house?


Buying a home is a dream. In this episode, David Sidoni advises on how you can be financially prepared to buy your very first home. As he discusses how setting goals can help you avoid overspending and getting yourself into a giant jam that you cannot get out of, he shares come some tips that you can use, starting with budgeting, commitment, and getting a real estate agent. He then introduces one of the nineteen things that can guide you towards financial preparedness in home buying. Read on and learn more of his extra useful tips for helping you get that dream house you believe you deserve.

David Sidoni, the How to Buy a Home Guy, has broken down the nineteen crucial financial steps for all first time home buyers – tips, tricks, pitfalls, and real free advice for anyone looking to make this giant undertaking seem a lot less overwhelming. This is part 2 in a four-part series that will guide you to the ultimate goal of getting your dream home and never dealing another landlord ever again! Too many real estate professionals want you to figure this all out on your own, and then come to them when you are ready. But how do you get ready, and where do you even start? Not here actually; part I is where you start, and then listen to this one, part 2, which are steps 2 to 7 of 19. Enjoy.

In part 3 of this 4 part series, David Sidoni, the How to Buy a Home Guy, tackles steps 8-15 on preparing first time home buyers financially. Figuring out if, when, and how you can buy a home can be mad confusing. You need a degree in finance just to understand it all, and yet everyone seems to be able to do it. So, are they doing it correctly? The answer, almost all of them are waiting far too long to learn these steps. Forget your high school and college econ classes because, unfortunately, nobody is teaching this stuff. Step in and get ready to be ahead of the curve!

Get financially prepared to buy your first home. David Sidoni, your How to Buy a Home Guy, goes heavy into diversifying your retirement portfolio to finance your future. No, your home is not to be looked at as an investment like a day trader, but yes, you can use it to stabilize your long-term wealth. If you're bored reading this, maybe this episode isn't for you, but this is vegetables for your ears. Learn a great deal of very important information on funding your first home purchase from a guy who has seen it all.

David Sidoni, the How to Buy a Home Guy, is back with part 5 of the series on how to financially prepare to buy your first home, a full financial guide for first time home buyers. This episode tackles the big question – how do my student loans affect my ability to buy my first house? This also addresses other concerns such as – will these huge student loans hinder me from ever buying my first home, or will I ever get out from under this gigantic debt? Don’t miss this episode for answers to these questions. Settle in and get ready to break down the numbers, and David’s answers might surprise you in a good way.


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