Everyone Is An Entrepreneur

Everyone Is An Entrepreneur

Awaken your inner-entrepreneur with Dr. Vic Woo

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7 小時 31 分鐘
31 聲音

Awaken your inner-entrepreneur with Dr. Vic Woo. In this podcourse, Dr. Woo will take you through the same three pillars of entrepreneurship that she teaches in her entrepreneurial marketing classes at Stanford University, and she’ll help you acquire a set of tools to address everyday problems through the lens of entrepreneurship.

The first chapter focuses on progressing from ideation to value-creation. The second chapter covers the essentials of sales and marketing. The third chapter helps us understand growth, scale, and beyond as the entrepreneurial venture matures.

A new lesson of Everyone is an Entrepreneur will be released each week. Make sure to subscribe to Himalaya Learning to stay up to date with the latest content.

What You'll Learn

  • How to progress from ideation to value-creation

  • How to succeed in sales and marketing

  • How to achieve growth and scale up

  • How to mature your venture

  • Victoria Woo, Ph.D
    Victoria Woo, Ph.D
    Stanford Lecturer & VC Mentor
Chapter 1: From ideation to value creation

In this episode, we learn three attributes of the entrepreneurial mindset, explore ways of translating these insights into valuable problem-solving competence for everyday life.

In this episode, I introduce the idea of transformation quotient, TQ. In order to thrive in a dynamic and complex environment requires one to look at the world through new eyes, explained through an emerging framework of IQ* EQ* TQ.

This episode is focused on ways to identify opportunities, deploying design thinking and design innovation principles in order to assess entrepreneurial ideas. 1. Reframe creatively 2. Get out of the building 3. Prototype

In this episode, I introduce tools to help you clarify your vision, through a system of leadership which help catalyze human capital.1. Mission2. Core Values3. Culture

In this episode, we will look at frameworks to assess the quality of your opportunity and defining target audience.Demographic/ Psychographic/ Behavioral pattern

A new idea or opportunity must create value for the customer. In this episode, we will appreciate a well-known method call the value proposition canvas.Notes: Customer profile detailed customer jobs, pains and gains

After defining a customer profile, the next step is to design a set of features and benefits that your customers love. In this episode, we will learn how to design an offer through a value map.

Once we have a good idea how we are creating value, we go on to design a prototype, an MVP. In this episode, we explore the basic ethos of Lean Startup methodology.

Business model innovation has been an invaluable tool to entrepreneurs. In this episode, we look at various segements of a successful business model using the business model canvas.

Nothing exists on its own island, the same is true of an emerging offer. In this episode, we learn about interdependencies an ecosystem to increase desirability of your product or service.


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