Decision-Making Strategies

Decision-Making Strategies

Decision-Making Strategies

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3 聲音

What You'll Learn

  • Decision-making strategies that spark innovation
  • Actionable advice on making better decisions
  • How world-class leader approach decision-making

Learning Along With

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Executives, leaders, managers
  • Small business owners

Rick Snyder, an international business coach, writer, speaker, and consultant, has launched several businesses and is an expert in mentoring, training, and teaching others how to utilize the process of bringing intuition into an effective business plan and company culture. He is currently the CEO of Invisible Edge. His breakthrough strategies have been implemented by executives and businesses in Europe, Canada, Asia and America.

Michael Mauboussin returns for a fascinating encore interview on the Knowledge Project. We geek out on decision making, luck vs. skill, work life balance, and so much more. *** Michael Mauboussin is back as a returning guest on the Knowledge Project! He was actually the very first guest on the podcast when it was still very much an experiment. I enjoyed it so much, I decided to continue with the show. (If you missed his last interview, you can listen to it here, or if you’re a member of The Learning Community, you can download a transcript.) Michael is one of my very favorite people to talk to, and I couldn’t wait to pick up right where we left off. In this interview, Michael and I dive deep into some of the topics we care most about here at Farnam Street, including: The concept of “base rates” and how they can help us make far better decisions and avoid the pain and consequences of making poor choices. How to know where you land on the luck/skill continuum and why it matters Mi...

Brandon Deer is VP of Operations & Strategy @ UiPath, one of the world's fastest-growing companiesproviding a complete software platform to help organizations efficiently automate business processes through robotic process automation. To date, UiPath has raised over $977m in funding from some of the best in the world including Sequoia, Accel, Meritech, IVP, CapitalG, Kleiner Perkins, Coatue and more. As for Brandon, prior to UiPath he spent 4 years as Vice President @ OpenView Partners where he made investments in Expensify,, VTS and Pipefy to name a couple. Before OpenView, Brandon spent close to 4 years at Intuit in Strategy and Business Development. In Today’s Episode You Will Learn: 1.) How Brandon made his way from being a rising star in the world of venture with Openview to leading one of the fastest-growing companies in history in UiPath? What has been the most surprising element in making the transition from investor to operator? 2.) How does Brandon think about dec...

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