宣宣帶你探索國家地理兒童版的奇妙世界 從地球最高的山到最亮的星空 從世界最大動物到披薩的發源地 地圖不僅是旅行指南 更是開啟未知世界的鑰匙 想知道更多嗎? 快來和我一起翻開這本充滿驚喜的書吧 文本視頻請關注WX
Just Because I Am只因為是我,孩子從小需要支持和鼓勵,他(她)們需要學會珍視自己,認識自己。這本書可以幫助孩子尊重自己的身體,認識自己的需求,並表達自己的感受。 --繪本內容歡迎查看WXSPH
經典兒童英語繪本《An Elephant & Piggie》,小象和小豬是美國家喻戶曉的兒童英語繪本,也是孩子閱讀的啟蒙繪本,此系列叢書詼諧幽默,生動有趣,簡單易學,同時還富含生活哲理。作者莫·威廉斯 (Mo Willems) 屢獲殊榮,是《紐約時報》暢銷書的作者。 繪本內容歡迎查看WXSPH
LONELY Everyone feels lonely sometimes. Maybe it's because you feel you haven't got any friends. Or you think you are different from everyone else in the world. Sometimes you can feel very lonely even in the middle of a crowd of people. Especially if you have just arrived to live in a new country. The best way to make friends is to be friendly yourself. You never know-maybe other people are feeling lonely too!
應聽眾要求希望《Elephant & Piggie》能分開收聽中英文版,這期版本為純英文版。后一期將送上中英文對照版,敬請關注,謝謝收聽! I Broke My Trunk! By Mo Willems I have not seen Gerald today. Why? Gerald! What happened to your trunk? I broke my trunk. How did you break your trunk? It is a long, crazy story. Tell it! Tell it! Well.....I was playing with Hippo. Then, I had an idea! I wanted to lift Hippo onto my trunk! Why? Because! Okay. So, I lifted Hippo onto my trunk. But, a hippo on your trunk is heavy. Is that how you broke your trunk? No. There is more to my story. Then, Rhino showed up.....Rhino wanted a turn. What did you do? I lifted both of them onto my trunk! But, a hippo and a rhino on your trunk are very heavy. Is that how you broke your trunk? No. There is more to my story. ...
CALM What do you do to calm down after you've been upset? Some people feel calm when they are near water, because of the soothing sound. Whatever makes you feel calm and peaceful might be a good thing to think about when you feel upset. 在你心煩意亂之后,你該怎麼做才能平靜下來? 有些人在水邊的時候會感到平靜,因為有舒緩的聲音。 當你感到不安的時候,任何讓你感到平靜和安寧的事情,都可能是一件好事。
UPSET Some things would make anyone upset! Being ignored by your friends.....be bullied......or losing someone you love....... you'd have to be a robot not to be upset by things like these. But some people find it upsetting to move house or go to a new school, while others see those times as exciting.
ANGRY What makes you angry? Little things like stubbing your toe? Or when parents or teachers are being unfair? A horrible hot feeling bubbles up inside you and you want to shout at someone or throw things. Often we take out our angry feelings on people-or things!-just because they are there. What can you do when you feel angry, instead of hurting other people? Count to ten Go for a walk Shout Do an angry dance. Draw an angry picture. Stamp Punch an angry cushion. Sometimes feeling angry can be good.
S A D :( A rainy day can make you sad, 一個下雨的日子可以讓你傷心, but that's a small sadness. 但這是一個小小的悲傷。 Someone forgetting it's your birthday is a bigger one. 有人忘記這是你的生日是一個更大的。 But when someone you love dies the sadness feels so big it covers all your life-like the biggest rain cloud ever. 但是當你愛的人死去的時候,悲傷的感覺如此之大,它覆蓋了你的一生 - 就像有史以來最大的雨雲。