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0 小時 45 分鐘
5 聲音



1. 本課程由美國知名心理學家、自我提升類暢銷書Top 1作者艾米·約翰遜親授,她分析了習慣形成的心理學機制,為難以改變壞習慣的你量身定制了一門課程,讓你通過洞察力而不是意志力,找到擺脫壞習慣的持久方法。

2. 艾米將會把她在心理學領域多年積累的理論轉變為具有實操性的5集課程,讓你在家就能學到奧普拉都在學、《華爾街日報》等媒體爭相報道的自我提升法則。

3. 如果你有自我提升的意願,想要擺脫壞習慣的拖累,尤其是,想要成為自己人生的掌控者 - 那麼,這門課將非常適合你。每天10分鐘,向壞習慣say goodbye!

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解這門課程。

  • 艾米·約翰遜
    艾米·約翰遜(Amy Johnson)博士是心理學家,教練,作家和演講者。她開創了一種心理學新方法,可以幫助人們通過洞察力而不是意誌力,找到真正的、持久的、擺脫不良習慣的自由。

1. BasicPrinciples 1.基本原則 Amy Johnson as apsychologist, coach, author, and speaker in 2017, she opened the little schoolof big change. An online school that has helped. Hundreds of people findfreedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life. Amy has been aregularly featured expert on the Steve Harvey show and oprah.com as well as inthe wall street journal and self magazine. 艾米·約翰遜作為心理學家、教練、作家和演講者,於2017年開辦了“大變革小學校”。一所幫助過的在線學校。成百上千的人從焦慮和習慣中解脫出來,過著更加平靜的生活。艾米一直是史蒂夫·哈維秀的常客奧普拉網以及《華爾街日報》和《自我》雜志。  In this course,Amy will share her groundbreaking approach to finding true lasting freedom frombad habits without relying on willpower. In part one, Amy will explain her nowillpower philosophy, including a brief illustration of how it works. In parttwo, we will explore the nature of habits, how they get formed and thedifference betw...

2. TheNature of Habits 2.習慣的本質 welcome back tobreaking habits. Part two, the nature of habits in this part, we'll beexploring how habits get formed and the difference between good ones, bad onesand addictions. 歡迎回到打破習慣。第二部分,習慣的本質在這一部分,我們將探討習慣是如何形成的,以及好的、壞的和上癮的區别。  What really ourbad habits, how did they get formed? It's not like there's a list somewhere,you know of. These are the things that you're doing that are bad habits. Forsome people, their internet usage is a bad habit for other people. It doesn'tfeel like that at all. So. It's really subjective and it's down to what we feelhas some power over us that we wish it didn't have. 我們的壞習慣到底是什麼,它們是如何形成的?你知道,這不是什麼地方有單子。這些都是你正在做的壞習慣。對一些人來說,上網對其他人來說是個壞習慣。一點感覺都不像。所以。這確實是主觀的,這取決於我們感覺到的對我們有一些我們希望它没有的力量。  I think that's areally big ...

3.Insight 3.洞察 welcome back tobreaking habits. Part three insight in this part, Amy will help us understandwhat insight is and how it can help, including some illustrations of how thisworks. 歡迎回到打破習慣。第三部分洞察在這一部分中,艾米將幫助我們理解什麼是洞察,以及它是如何幫助我們的,包括一些如何工作的插圖。  What is insightas it relates to behavioral change? I think the definition of insight issomething around a sight from within or the derivation of the word, I guess, asa site from within. So insight to me is just seeing something new, like havinga brand new thought. Seeing something that we didn't see a minute ago, like,Oh, that's right. 什麼是與行為改變相關的洞察力?我認為洞察的定義是圍繞著一個從內部觀察到的東西,或者是這個詞的派生詞,我想,作為一個來自內部的站點。所以對我來說,洞察力就是看到一些新的東西,比如有一個全新的想法。看到一些我們一分鐘前没看到的東西,比如,哦,對了。  You know, thissubstance or this habit can't make me feel a...

4. Howthe Mind Works 4.思維如何運作 Welcome back tobreaking habits. Part four, how the mind works, then this part we'll learnabout mental health and brain plasticity. 歡迎回到打破習慣。第四部分,大腦是如何工作的,這一部分我們將學習心理健康和大腦可塑性。  What do ourhabits reveal about our mental health? The coolest thing to see is that ourhabits are actually a sign of our mental health. Because again, it, of courseit doesn't look this way. It looks like our habits are a big problem with ourmental health. But when I say our habits are a sign of our mental health, whatI mean is that we all, every human, no exceptions has mental health. 我們的習慣揭示了我們心理健康的哪些方面?最酷的是,我們的習慣實際上是我們心理健康的標志。因為,它,當然不是這樣的。看來我們的習慣是我們心理健康的一個大問題。但是當我說我們的習慣是我們心理健康的標志時,我的意思是我們所有人,每個人,没有例外都有心理健康。  We havewellbeing as our default state, as our nature. And when w...

5.Breaking Free 5.掙脫 Welcome back tobreaking habits. Part five, breaking free in this final part, we'll learn aboutinnate human resilience and what we can do or try in order to end bad habitsforever. 歡迎回到打破習慣。第五部分,掙脫在最后一部分,我們將學習人類天生的韌性,以及我們可以做些什麼或嘗試來永遠終結壞習慣。  How can I takeadvantage of my own resilience? There is a human design that we don't outgrow.It doesn't have an expiration date. It doesn't go away when you start payingbills or, you know, whatever parents and society has told us, like our humandesign is our human design and it does not change. 我如何利用自己的韌性?有一種人類的設計是我們無法擺脫的。它没有有效期。當你開始付賬單,或者,你知道,無論父母和社會告訴我們什麼,它都不會消失,就像我們的人性設計就是我們的人性設計,它不會改變。And what it shows us isthat we are full of health all the time. 它告訴我們,我們一直都很健康。  We just don'tfeel it because we're caught up in our thi...

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